Page 61 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 61


        7.   English teacher, Mrs. Finley showed the picture below to   9.   Emma: I was at the city museum yesterday afternoon.
            her students in the class and wanted them to talk about   Daniel: ...........................................
            the locations of the things.
                                                                   Emma: I looked at old statues and coins. Also, I got
                                                                   information about ancient times from the curator.
                                                                   Which one completes the dialogue above?

                                                                   A)  Why did you go there?

                                                                   B)  How many hours did you stay there?
                                                                   C)  What time did you leave there?
                                                                   D)  Where were you yesterday afternoon?

            According to the picture above, who told a false
                                                               10.  Christina: I’m in a big place now. We can’t talk loudly
            A)  Gina: The doll is on the bed and near the blocks.
                                                                   here.  There  are  a  lot  of  books,  newspapers  and
            B)  Tom: The flower is in the vase and on the nightstand.   magazines on the shelves. Some people are studying,

            C)  Conan: The drawer is under one of the shelves.     while others are conducting research about their needs.
            D)  Nick: The crayons and the puzzles are on the floor.  Which place is Christina talking about in her speech?
                                                                   A) Library   B) Kiosk   C) Bookshop    D) School

                                                               11.  Kaylee: I called you at 2.30 p.m. yesterday, but you didn’t
        8.   Mary asked her classmates what kind of books they read   answer. Where were you?
            last year. Here are the results:
                                                                   Morris: Oh, sorry! I forgot my smartphone at home while
                    Science                                        going out. I was at the new opened bookstore. .................
                    books                     Short                I started to read one of them.
                                              stories              Choose the correct option for the blank.
              Novels                                               A)  I borrowed some literature books from there.
                            25%         45%
                                                                   B)  I bought some novels of Ernest Hemingway.
                                18%   7%          Poetry           C)  I studied French with some friends there.
                                                  books            D)  I did research about my science homework there.

                             History books

            Find the correct option according to the results.
            A)  Students  read  novels  more  than  short  stories  and   12.
               science books.                                      I.  Well, I like history books and short stories, but novels
                                                                     are my favourite.
            B)  Poetry  books  were  the  least  popular  book  type   II. I like reading books a lot. I’m a bookworm.
               among students.                                     III. What do you like doing in your free time?
            C)  Students read science books and poetry books at the   IV. How nice! What kind of books do you like reading?
               same rate.                                          What is the correct order of the conversation above?

            D)  Less than half of the students preferred reading short   A) I - II - III - IV   B) IV - II - III - I
               stories.                                            C) III - IV - II - I    D) III - II - IV - I
                                                         60                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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