Page 53 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 53


        7.   Last  month,  I  was  on  my  uncle’s  farm.  There  are   10.  The graphic below shows the number of the activities
            a lot of work to do on the farm, so I woke up early in   Chloe and Tina did during their last summer holiday.
            the  mornings.  (I)  I  helped  my  uncle  with  feeding  the
            chickens, milking the cows and watering the vegetables   Number of activities                  Chloe
            and fruits in the garden. (II) Farm life was very tiring but   7                               Tina
            enjoyable for me. (III) I didn’t like spending time on the   6
            farm at all. (IV)                                       5
            Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text?
            A) IV          B) III         C) II         D) I        2
                                                                    0   going  visiting  going  swimming  Holiday
                                                                      camping historical  hiking          activities
        8.                                                                     places
                     Susan's Last Weekend Activities
                                                                   Which of the following option is correct according to
                    Saturday                Sunday                 the graphic above?

                                                                   A)  Tina spent most of her holiday going hiking.
              reading a book at home   visiting grandparents
                                                                   B)  Tina spent more time swimming than Chloe did.
                playing with friends   having a picnic in the      C)  Chloe went camping less than Tina did.
                     outside                 forest
                                                                   D)  Chloe visited historical places more than Tina did.
               going swimming with   picking fruits and flowers
                     brother              in the forest
            Find the correct sentence according to the table         Hi, I'm Amy. My family and I were in Fethiye for our
            above.                                                   last  summer  holiday.  We  stayed  at  a  comfortable
                                                                     and modern hotel for three days. On the first day,
            A)  She didn’t do any water sports with one of her family   we went on a sightseeing tour and we were amazed
               members.                                              by the beautiful views of the city. On the second day,

            B)  She  did  only  outdoor  activities  all  day  long  on   it rained but we tried diving. My father and I climbed
               Saturday.                                             Mount  Babadağ  and  tried  paragliding  on  the  last
                                                                     day. It was fascinating.
            C)  She went to the forest for two different purposes on
            D)  She spent time with her friends both on Saturday and   The paragraph above tells about ............. .
                                                                   A)  why they chose Fethiye for their summer holiday
                                                                   B)  their holiday activities in Fethiye last summer
                                                                   C)  their thoughts about holiday activities in Fethiye
        9.   Kate: I went to my grandparents’ village last weekend.
            The air was clean and everywhere was green. It was an   D)  the things tourists can do in Fethiye for fun
            amazing place.
            Ryan: Really? What did you do there?               12.              On  my  last  summer  holiday,  I  stayed
                                                                                at a tent for a week. In the mornings, I
            Kate: It was by the seaside. ............. It was an amazing
            experience for me.                                                 swam in the lake and in the afternoons,
                                                                               I picked fruits from the trees. I also went
            Which option is not appropriate to fill in the blank?                on a long walk to enjoy the nature.
            A)  I went sailing with my grandfather.
                                                                   According to Scott’s talk, where was he on his last
            B)  I learnt how to catch a fish.                      summer holiday?
            C)  I tried rafting with my grandpa.                   A) In the forest.      B) On a farm.

            D)  I stayed in a tent in the forest.                  C) In an ancient city.   D) At the seaside.
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