Page 51 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 51


        6.   Teacher: Where does your mother work?             9.
                                                                    Hello!  My  name  is  Richard.  I’m  a  pilot.  I  can  fly
            Student: She works at a big hospital in the city center.
                                                                    the  plane  and  take  you  anywhere  you  want.
            Teacher: Can she operate on patients?                   Unfortunately, my flight changes frequently, so I don’t

            Student: No, she can’t.                                 have typical days. I like doing exercise and I go to
                                                                    gym on Saturdays. I usually go to the movies with my
            Teacher: Is your mother a ........................?     pilot friends on Sunday afternoons. On Thursdays, I

            Student: Yes, she is. She looks after ill people.       play soccer with my old friends from the university. I
                                                                    never go to flights on Fridays. I visit my parents and
            Find the correct option to complete the conversation.
                                                                    grandparents on Tuesdays.
            A) doctor   B) nurse     C) dentist   D) manager

                                                                   We can understand from the text that ........ .

                                                                   A)  he can both fly and repair the plane
                                                                   B)  he works in an airport all the week
        7.   1. This person grows vegetables and fruits on a farm.  C)  he talks about his job location and working hours

            2.  This person manages a company, a restaurant or a   D)  he has a career as a pilot and flies the plane

            3. This person fights crime, and arrests criminals.
            4. This person looks after patients and helps the doctors.  10.  Emily: What is your dream job?

             A           B           C           D                 Larry: I want to be a(n) ................... like Neil Armstrong.
                                                                   I’m into space travel.
                                                                   Find the suitable option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                   A) engineer  B) travel agency  C) astronaut  D) lawyer
            Match the sentences with the correct pictures.
            A) 1 e C     B) 1 e D     C) 1 e C      D) 1 e D
              2 e A         2 e C        2 e D        2 e A
              3 e D         3 e B        3 e A        3 e C    11.            Name                 Job
              4 e B         4 e A        4 e B        4 e B                   Martha              Teacher
                                                                              Oliver              Waiter
                                                                              Arnold             Engineer
                                                                             Jessica            Hairdresser

                                                                   Which one is false according to the table above?
        8.   Jonathan: What does your uncle do?
                                                                   A)  Martha can teach students a lot of things.
            Alexander: .........................................
                                                                   B)  Oliver can serve food and drinks at a reastaurant.
            Jonathan: Where does he work?
                                                                   C)  Arnold can draw the plans of buildings.
            Alexander: .........................................
                                                                   D)  Jessica can cut, dye and design hair.
            Jonathan: What can he do at work?

            Alexander: .........................................
            Which of the following answers does not belong to   12.  Victoria: When did you become a cook?
                                                                   Nina: On the twenty fifth of May, nineteen ninety three.
            A)  He works at a restaurant.
                                                                   Which one shows the date mentioned in the dialogue
            B)  He can carry lots of plates and glasses.           above?
            C)  He is a waiter.                                    A) 25  May, 1993       B) 5  May, 1993
            D)  He wants to be a cook.                             C) 15  May, 1992       D) 25  May, 1994
                                                         50                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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