Page 71 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 71


        7.   Mother: What are you doing, son?                  10.

            Scott: I’m brushing my teeth, mom.
                                                                    The planet Earth is our home. There are lots of things
            Mother: Yes, I see. But the water is still running.
                                                                    we  can  do  to  protect  it.  First  of  all,  we  shouldn't
            Scott: Oh, I’m sorry.                                   throw  our  garbage  on  the  streets.  We  should  use
            Mother: You should turn the tap off while brushing your   public  transportation  more  for  breathing  clean  air.
            teeth. ……………................                            We shouldn't cut the trees down. We shouldn't waste
                                                                    water and electricity. We should use wind and solar
            Scott: Okay, mom.                                       energy. We should seperate our rubbish by type and
            Complete the dialogue with the best option.             put it into the recycling bins. However, we shouldn't
                                                                    harm the animals and their natural habitats.
            A)  Have a bath instead of a shower, please.
            B)  Don’t throw your rubbish around, please.           In  the  text  above,  there  is  no  information  about
            C)  Use more water and electricity, please.            ................... .

            D)  Don’t waste water, please.                         A)  renewable energy sources
                                                                   B)  protecting animals and forests

                                                                   C)  water and noise pollution
                                                                   D)  environmental pollution
        8.   Global warming is increasing day by day, but we can
            take measures to reduce it. (I) First of all, we should use
            recycled products. (II) We should grow more plants to
            reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (III) We
            should use plastic materials more than paper ones. (IV)   11.      F
                                                                               FOR  SAVING  THE  PLANET: OR  SAVING  THE  PLANET:
            We should be more careful about the usage of water and
            energy.                                                    • Recycle paper, plastic, metal and glass.

            Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text            • Don’t pour your waste into the seas.
            above?                                                     • Unplug electrical devices when not in use.

            A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV           • Save forests and plant more trees.
                                                                       • ......................................................

                                                                   Which of the following is not a suitable suggestion
                                                                   for the blank above?
        9.   I’m an eco - friendly person. I never drop my litter into the
            seas, lakes and rivers. Also, I always classify the rubbish   A)  Keep the environment clean.
            as paper, plastic, metal and glass to recycle. I don’t plug   B)  Turn on the lights all day.
            the electronic devices when I don’t need them. I never   C)  Use less water and electricity.
            waste food and eat junk food. I grow plants in my garden.
                                                                   D)  Don’t drive your private car to everywhere.
            Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
            A)                     B)

                                                               12.  On Earth Day, some people .............. to save the planet.

                                                                   Which option is not suitable to fill in the blank above?
            C)                     D)                              A)  take the buses instead of cars

                                                                   B)  use less electronic devices
                                                                   C)  pour their waste into the water sources

                                                                   D)  plant new trees in the forests
                                                         70                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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