Page 77 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 77


        7.   The chart below shows the election results of A and B   10.  Mia:  Our  teacher  explained  us  how  to  vote.  We  write
            parties year by year.                                  the name of our candidate on a paper and fold it. Then,
                                                                   ........................ and after the election is over, we count the
                 Number of votes (Million)      A Party
                                                B Party            votes and one of the candidates becomes the president .
                5                                                  What is the correct procedure for the blank in Mia's
              4,5                                                  speech?
              3,5                                                  A)  we prepare an election campaign poster
                3                                                  B)  we vote for our own candidate
              2,5                                                  C)  we respect the election results
               1,5                                                 D)  we put the paper into the ballot box
                0   2000   2005   2010  2015   2020  Years

            Choose the correct option according to the election
            results above.                                     11.  Lizzie is one of the candidates in the class presidency
                                                                   election  of  Class  6 / A.  Here  are  her  friends’  opinions
            A)  A and B parties got the most votes both in 2010 and   about her:
                                                                     Jason: She isn't responsible and thoughtful.
            B)  A  and  B  parties  both  got  the  best  results  in  2005
                                                                     Molly: She doesn't respect our opinions at all.
            C)  B  party’s  votes  were  more  than  A  party’s  votes  in
               2020 election.                                        Susan: She is honest and always obeys the rules.
            D)  A party was better than B party in all elections and
               2010 election was the best for it.                    Tim: She always thinks of her needs and wishes first.

                                                                  Who has a positive opinion about Lizzie according to
        8.                                                        the information above?

                            Melek won the election last year.      A) Jason      B) Molly     C) Susan       D) Tim
                            It was a fair election. But this year
                            I support Haluk. Because .......... .


            What does Ercan say to complete his speech?        12.
                                                                    In a fair election, candidates should follow the rules
            A)  he is rude and selfish                              and  never  break  the  law.  They  should  be  nice  to
            B)  he respects child rights                            others  and  know  about  the  rights  of  children  and
                                                                    people. They should be good examples when they're
            C)  he is not responsible and helpful
                                                                    in public. Everyone should be able to vote without
            D)  he doesn't know human rights                        any  problems,  and  after  the  election,  everyone
                                                                    should accept the results.
        9.   Every child has the right to life and survival and to keep
            or to restore their name, state membership and family   Which of the following question does not have an
            relations. Every child has the right to learn how to avoid   answer in the text above?
            or deal with every form of abuse.
                                                                   A)  What should the candidates be in public?
            Which  child  right  is  mentioned  in  the  paragraph
            above?                                                 B)  Why should the elections be fair?

            A) Health care         B) Protection                   C)  What should the candidates in an election never do?
            C) Education           D) Fair law                     D)  What should the candidates know?
                                                         76                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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