Page 79 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 79


        6.                                                     10.  Edward:  Hey  Matthew!  You  know  next  week  we  are
              ◆  The person who has the highest political position   going to have a class presidential election at our school.
                in a country                                       I am also one of the candidates. Can you work in my
              ◆  A  box  into  which  people  put  their  voting  slips   campaign?
                when voting                                        Matthew: Of course. What can I do for your campaign?
              ◆  A person who is competing to get a job or elected   Edward: .............................................
                                                                   Which answer does Edward give Matthew?
            Match the words below with the definitions above.      A)  You  can  prepare  non - creative  slogans  for  my
            Which word stays out?                                     campaign.
            A) ballot box          B) president                    B)  You can hang my posters up around.
            C) election            D) candidate
                                                                   C)  You can fight the supporters of other candidates.
                                                                   D)  You can be rude to everyone during the campaign.
        7.   I.    Find your candidate’s name on the ballot paper and
              sign it.
            II. Put the envelope into the ballot box to support your
              candidate in the election.                       11.
            III. Fold the ballot paper and put it in the envelope.   Daniel:  There  is  a  general  election  in  my  country
            IV. Take your ballot paper and go to the cabinet. Then,   today. My parents and I are in the nearest school
              look at the list.                                      to our house. Now, my mother is putting her ballot
                                                                     paper into the ballot box.
            Put the instructions into the correct order.

            A) IV - III - I - II   B) II – III – I – IV            According to Daniel’s speech, which picture is his
            C) I – IV – II – III   D) IV – I – III – II            mother in?
                                                                   A)                     B)

                          Democracy is a system of government
                          based  on  this  belief  or  a  means  of
                          believing freedom and equality among     C)                     D)
                          people. We live in a democratic country
                           and we can’t ............ .

            Which of the following option completes Stacey's
            talk correctly?
            A)  criticize our elected leaders freely
                                                               12.  Emily: We have a classroom president election today. I
            B)  express our opinion freely
                                                                   am very excited.
            C)  vote instead of our friends
                                                                   Nancy: Yes, I’m very excited, too. .....................
            D)  respect the other people’s opinions
                                                                   Emily: Brian. Because he is fair, intelligent, helpful and
                                                                   respectful to everyone.
        9.              Choose the candidate you are following.    Which question does Nancy ask Emily?
                        Sign and fold the voting paper. Put it into
                        an envelope. Then put the envelope into    A)  Did you throw a party after the election?
                        the .................... .                 B)  Who is your candidate?
            Which word is suitable to complete the blank?          C)  Did you prepare a poster for your campaign?

            A) safe     B) wallet    C) bag      D) ballot box     D)  Do you support Brian in the election?
                                                         78                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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