Page 78 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 78


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     3.   Kevin: What should you do first before the election as a
                                                                  Larry: ....................................................................
       1.             The Procedure of an Election                Choose the appropriate option for the blank.

            ✔ Listen to the campaign speeches of the candidates.  A)  You should decide to be a candidate.
            ✔ Decide the candidate you support.
                                                                  B)  You should respect the election results.
            ✔  Sign the list, take your voting paper and go to the
              cabinet.                                            C)  You should learn how to vote for your candidate.
            ✔  Write your candidate's name and put it into the    D)  You should select your candidate by secret ballot.
            ✔ Put the envelope into the ballot box.

           Which picture does not show one of the steps after
           you go to the cabinet?                             4.   In  William’s  school,  students  had  an  election  three
                                                                  days ago. They elected their school president. Before
           A)                    B)                               the  election,  William  conducted  a  survey  about  what
                                                                  personal traits the candidates should have for being the
                                                                  school president. Here are the results:
                                                                           Personal Traits of Candidates

           C)                    D)

                                                                         Respectful  Fair  Helpful  Kind  Responsible

                                                                       70       90      50      30      60
                                                                  Which of the following is correct according to the
                                                                  results of the survey above?

       2.                                                         A)  More  than  half  of  the  students  prefer  supporting
            Hi,  everybody!  My  name  is  Tarık.  There  was  an    helpful candidates.
            election in my country, Turkey last Sunday. I couldn't   B)  Being respectful is less important than being kind or
            vote because I'm under 18 years old. There were
            campaigns  before  the  election.  There  were  four     fair for the students.
            candidates and they made speeches. They talked        C)  Most of the students prefer supporting fair candidates
            about  human  rights  and  their  plans.  It  was  a  fair   in the election.
            election  because  nobody  broke  the  law.  I'm  so   D)  Being responsible is the most important qualification
            happy  with  the  results.  Our  new  president's  ideas   for most of the students.
            are brilliant. We all trust him.

           According to the text above, ................ .

           A)  everyone over 18 years old can vote in Turkey  5.   I'm very excited for tomorrom because we have a class
           B)  the candidates didn't obey the rules in the election  president ............ and I am one of the candidates.
           C)  the candidates didn't make a campaign speech       Fill in the blank with the correct word.

           D)  he thinks the new president isn't an honest person  A) election   B) ballot box   C) support   D) select
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      77
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82