P. 306


        7.      COMPLAINTS            SUGGESTIONS            10.

             I have a bad          You should drink some                            Name:     Christina
             stomachache.          mint and lemon tea.
             Frank has got a       (1) ....................                         Illness:  sore throat
             terrible headache.                                                     Feelings: tired and hot
                                   She shouldn’t drink cold
             (2) .......................
             My brother has a cold   She should see a doctor
             and sneezes a lot.    and take some pills.                             Name:     Matthew
                                                                                    Illness:  the flu
            Complete the table above with the correct option.
            some tissues?İTÖR YAYINLARI
                                                                                    Feelings:  tired and cold
            A)  (1) He shouldn’t eat lots of sweets. (2) My sister
               has the measles.
            B)  (1)  He  should  take  vitamin  C.  (2)  Katie  has  a   Look at the information cards above. Which of
               terrible cough.                                  the following advice is suitable for both of them?

            C)  (1) He should wear warm clothes. (2) Gwen has
               a bad backache.                                  A)  They should wear warm clothes.
            D)  (1) He should take a painkiller. (2) Emma has a   B)  They should stay in bed and have a rest all day.
               sore throat.                                     C)  They should wash their hands before meals.
                                                                D)  They should have a cold bath.

        8.  Rosie: I have a terrible pain in my throat. I have a
            fever, too.

            Greig: I have a bad stomachache. I feel tired.
            Nancy: I have a runny noise and I sneeze a lot.   11.   Names  He has the     He should take
            Oscar: I have an awful ache in my tooth. I can’t eat
           ED            B) Greig     C) Rosie    D) Oscar         Mia    cough.          cough syrup.
                                                                                          vitamin C and some
                                                                          flu and a bad
            According to the information above, who needs
                                                                                          She should have a
                                                                          She has a bad
                                                                                          cold shower and take
                                                                          cold and a fever.
                                                                                          some medicine.
            A) Nancy
                                                                          He has a sore
                                                                          throat and
                                                                                          warm soup and never
                                                                          sneezes a lot.   He should have
                                                                                          drink cold beverages.
                                                                          She has a bad   She should take a
        9.                                                        Amber headache and a  rest and never carry
                 ➠ Don't eat too much sweets.
                                                                          backache.       heavy things.
                 ➠ Brush your teeth three times a day.
                 ➠ Don't drink too hot and cold things.         What cannot we say according to the information
                                                                in the chart above?
                 ➠ See your dentist for checkups.
                                                                A)  Each of them has different health problems.
            Which disease is these suggestions for?             B)  Tim and Mia need some pills for their ilInesses.
            A) Headache              B) Sore throat             C)  Amber has a bad pain in both her back and head.
            C) Toothache             D) Earache                 D)  Mia feels cold, so she should wear warm clothes.

        306     İngilizce / Unit 5
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