P. 308


        6.  The teacher, Mrs. Bradley is organizing an outdoor   8.
            movie event for the weekend with her students. To                     YOU ARE INVENTED
            decide  on  the  movie  they’ll  watch,  she  asked  her
            students  about  their  favourite  movie  types.  The               TO OUR MOVIE NIGHT.
            chart below shows the students’ preferences.
                                                                    • Do you like scary movies?
                                                                    •  Would you like to see monsters, vampires
                                                                     or ghosts?
                                students          science           • Don't miss special horror movies for tonight!
                                          13      fiction           • Place: Jonathan's house
                            7           students
             animation   students                                   • Time: 9 p.m. - 11 p.m.
                                                                    • Date: 13 October, Sunday
                                             2     horror
                              9        4  students
                            students  students
                   comedy                     action

            Which of the following is correct according to
            the information and the chart above?                Which of the following information is correct
                                                                according to the poster above?
            A)  Students  like  watching  documentaries  more
               than animations.                                 A)  The event is going to take three hours.
            B)  Science  fiction  movies  are  the  most  popular   B)  Jonathan organizes movie nights every Sunday.
               type of movie among them.                        C)  Guests  joining  the  event  are  going  to  watch
            C)  Most  of  the  students  love  watching  comedy     funny movies.
               movies.                                          D)  The event is at Jonathan’s house in the evening.
            D)  Horror  movies  are  one  of  the  most  popular
               movie types among them.

        7.  Mike: I’m really bored. Let’s watch a DVD.
                                                             9.  In  this  movie,  there  is  a  character  called  Jeremy.
            Adam: That’s a great idea.                          He is a secondary school student. He always learns
            Mike: What about “Brave Heart”?                     everything  easily.  He  can  solve  difficult  maths
                                                                problems. He also does his homework regularly. So,
            Adam: What is the movie about?
                                                                �������������� �
            Mike: ���������������������������������
                                                                Which  of  the  following  option  completes  the
            Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank.    paragraph correctly?

            A)  It’s about war and freedom.                     A)  he is a stupid and lazy person
            B)  It’s very frightening.                          B)  he doesn’t like studying a lot
            C)  I like it very much.                            C)  he is clever and hardworking
            D)  It’s at eight o’clock.                          D)  he hates learning new things

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