P. 310

Party Time

        6.                                                   9. Julia, Danny and Chloe have a great friendship, so
                JOIN US FOR MY 12TH BIRTHDAY PARTY!             they like spending time together. They want to watch
                Would you like to have fun at my birthday       a  film  at  the  movie  theater  on  Saturday,  but  they
                party?                                          should decide which film they’II watch according to
                It is at 4 p.m. on 17  February, Saturday       their weekend activities. Julia has a tennis course
                                                                between 10 a.m and 10.30 a.m. Danny has football
                in my house. You can bring a friend, too.
                                                                training from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. Chloe has a folk
                Please reply to me at 500 7931199.              dance course between 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m.
                Address: 93 Hill Street, Apt.154 Floor:4        According to the information above, which movie
                Olivia Palmer                                   should they go together?
                                                                A)                        B)
            Which information is not correct according to
            the invitation card above?

            A) Her  birthday  is  on  the  seventeenth  of  second
            B) Her birthday party is in the first week of February.
                                                                C)                        D)
            C) She  is  celebrating  her  twelfth  birthday  with  a
               party in February.
            D) Guests  can  come  to  her  birthday  party  with  a
               friend if they want.

        7. Stacey:  My  brother  is  coming  home  from  France
            next Monday. I want to arrange a celebration for him.

            Claire: That’s a great idea. What must you do first for
            a great celebration?
            Stacey: .......... It makes my work easier and faster.

            Which option completes the dialogue correctly?
                                                             10. Jamie wants to throw a surprise birthday party for
            A) We must take a lot of photos.
                                                                her sister. She asks for help from her friends with the
            B) I must invite all his friends.                   party preparations. Here are her friends’ responses:

            C) I must clean up the house.                       Miley:  I  can  buy  balloons,  confetti  and  colourful
            D) I must prepare a to do list.                     papers.

                                                                Emma: I can bring some cookies and beverages.
                                                                Wanda: I can buy a cake, some candles and lots of
                                                                party hats.
        8. I’m  organizing  a  surprise  welcome  party  for  my
            brother next weekend. The party is ...... six o’clock   Linda:  I  can  make  a  guest  list  and  prepare  an
            ....... Sunday, 12th May.                           invitation card.

            Fill in the blank with the correct option.          According to their responses above, who wants
            A) on / on               B) at / on                 to do something about the party decoration?
            C) at / in               D) in / on                  A) Emma      B) Wanda     C) Miley    D) Linda

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