P. 309

Party Time

                                                                 4.   Hello, everyone! My name is Linda. I have many
                                      TEST - 7
                                                                      friends, but I have only one best friend. Her name
                                                                      is Evelyn. She is having a birthday party on 2
            1.  Ashley:  Nice  to  see  you  here,  my  friend.  Please   October. I want to buy her a birthday present she
                enjoy the party.                                      likes much. She likes playing games, but board
                                                                      games are not her favourite ones. She also likes
                Nathan: Thank you for inviting me to your birthday    reading fantasy books and watching animation
                party. Here is your birthday present!                 movies a lot.

                Ashley: ������������������������������������������
                                                                    According to the text above, what should Linda
                Nathan: You’re welcome.                             buy Evelyn as a birthday present?
                Find the option that is suitable for the blank.     A)  A chess set and a puzzle

                A)  This is very nice, thank you.                   B)  Book series of “The Lord of The Rings”
                B)  Thanks for the enjoyable party.                 C)  DVDs of Harry Potter movie series
                C)  I must go home right now.                       D)  A ticket for “Sherlock Holmes” movie

                D)  I must buy a nice gift for you.

            2.  Emma: When is your birthday?
                Brian: It is in ........ . It is the first month of the year.

                Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.
                A) February              B) September
                C) January               D) December             5.  Elisa  likes  throwing  birthday  parties  for  her  close
                                                                    friends. She has five close friends. She takes notes
                                                                    about their birthdays. Here are her notes:
            3.  Next Monday is Larry’s birthday. He is having a great
                party for his new age. He is preparing a shopping list   g Maria's birthday is on 18th April.
                with his mom. Here is the shopping list:
                                                                         g  Betty's birthday is on February 25th.
                              SHOPPING LIST                              g  Abigail's birthday is on 2nd August.

                        Birthday cake     Balloons                       g  Sonia's birthday is on 9th of February.
                        Cookies           Confetti                       g  Chloe's birthday is on the second of
                        Drinks            Glasses                           tenth month.
                        Plates            Invitation cards
                                                                    According to the information above, which of the
                Larry and his mum buy ........... .                 following is correct?

                Which of the options is not suitable to complete    A)  Birthdays  of  her  three  close  friends  are  in
                the sentence?
                                                                    B)  Elisa celebrates at least five birthdays in a year.
                A)  some food and beverages
                                                                    C)  All of her close friends’ birthdays are in different
                B)  something for decoration                            months.
                C)  something to play                               D)  There  is  only  one  birthday  in  summer  and  it’s
                D)  some kitchen tools                                  Abigail’s birthday.

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