P. 311


                                      TEST - 8                        NAME            LIKE              DISLIKE

                                                                       Debra          hiking           running
            1.  Jack: How about going camping this weekend?
                                                                        Carl        swimming            diving
                Brian: ������������� I am bored at home.               Gina           skiing           camping

                Jack: Let’s go, then!                                  Alan           fishing          cycling
                Which one is Brian’s response according to the
                dialogue above?

                A)  No, but thanks for offering.                    The chart above shows the activities Debra, Carl,
                B)  Sounds good, but I can’t.                       Gina and Alan like and dislike.
                C)  That’s a good idea.
                                                                    Find  the  false  option  according  to  the  chart
                D)  Sounds like a bad idea.
                                                                    given above.

                                                                    A)  Debra likes spending time in nature.
                                                                    B)  Carl enjoys doing all water sports.

            2.  Anna: Would you like to play table tennis?          C)  Gina likes doing a winter sport.
                                                                    D)  Alan is interested in catching fish.
                David: ................................ ?
                Anna: Of course. What about playing table tennis?

                David: Good idea. Let’s play.
                Which question does David ask Anna?

                A)  Can I ask you a question
                B)  Can you repeat that, please
                C)  Can I go out to play with my friends
                D)  Can you play table tennis
                                                                      Hello, I am Nathan from New Jersey. I want to be
                                                                      fit and healthy, so I do exercise every morning. I

                                                                      go running and cycling. I like water sports very
            3.   I like outdoor sports much. One                      much and swimming is my favourite one. I also
                 of my favourites is ............... . In                        like camping. I think it is the most fun
                 this sport, you go on a long and                                way to spend time with friends. At
                 difficult journey to explore and
                 enjoy the scenery. You need                                     weekends, I go roller - skating, but I
                 a backpack, a pair of boots, a                                  can't do skateboarding.
                 compass, a torch, sunglasses
                 and walking poles.                Kevin            According to the text above, Nathan ..... .

                What is Kevin’s favourite sport completed the       A)  is interested in outdoor sports
                blank in the text above?                            B)  likes doing team sports
                A) hiking                B) horse riding            C)  can’t ride a bike and swim
                C) handball              D) fishing                 D)  is good at doing skateboarding

                                                                                         İngilizce / Unit 8   311
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