P. 313

The Animal Shelter

                                                                 4. Evelyn likes animals very much. There is an animal
                                      TEST - 9                      shelter near her house. She goes there and helps
                                                                    the  keeper  of  that  shelter  on  weekends.  Today  is
                                                                    Sunday  and  it  is  quarter  past  one.  She  is  at  the
             1 - 3: For these questions, choose the best option to   shelter now.
             fill in the blanks.
                                                                        Today's Schedule             Time
            1.                                                            Clean the cages         08.30 - 11.00

                                  Tony: What is she doing now?             Feed the cats          11.15 - 12.30
                                  Wendy: �������������������������     Examine the animals        12.45 - 14.00
                                                                          Walk the dogs           14.30 - 16.00

                A) She is examining the puppies.                    According to the text and the chart above, what
                B) She is playing with the puppies.                 is Evelyn doing at the animal shelter now?

                C) She is feeding the puppies.                      A)                        B)
                D) She is walking the puppies.

                                                                    C)                        D)
            2. Dad: What are you doing, son?

                James: I’m playing with the kitten. ��������������
                Dad: Not now. It is not thirsty now.

                A) Can I clean the cage, dad?
                B) Can I give it some water, dad?                5.
                C) Can I collect the eggs, dad?                        Hello, my name is Albert. I like animals very
                                                                       much. On weekends, I usually visit the animal
                D) Can I water the trees, dad?                         shelter. I become very happy when I see the
                                                                       animals in the shelter. Now, I’m at the animal
                                                                       shelter.  There  are  a  lot  of  animals  here.  A
                                                                       puppy is sleeping and the kittens are drinking
                           Can I donate some money to the              milk now. There are three rabbits on the grass.
                           animal shelter, dad?                        A boy is feeding one of them. There are also
                                                                       four parrots in the cage. A vet is examining a
                                                                       turtle. It is sick. I am watching the monkeys.
                                                                       They are playing games together.

                                                                    According to the text above, ...... .
                                                                    A) he  goes  to  the  animal  shelter  at  weekends
                          Thank you, dad.                               because he works there
                                                                    B) he  visits  the  shelter  to  watch  the  monkeys
                                                                        because he likes them most
                A)  I’m afraid, you can’t.
                                                                    C) he is seeing an ill turtle when he is at the animal
                B) No, that’s a bad idea.                               shelter
                C) I’m sorry, you can’t.                            D) he  talks  about  the  activities  of  seven  different
                D) Of course, you can.                                  animals at the shelter

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