P. 316


        6.                                                   9.  Hello! I’m Meriç from Turkey. My favourite festival
             Latika is from India. Her favourite festival is Diwali.   is Eid. It is our religious festival. In this festival, we
             It is a festival of lights. It’s also India’s biggest and   make lots of traditional desserts to serve our guests.
             most important holiday of the year. They celebrate   Baklava is my favourite. We also visit our relatives
             it between October and November. It lasts for five   during this festival.
                         days. In this festival, families clean
                           their homes and buy new clothes.     Which of the following question is not answered
                           They decorate their homes with       in the text above?
                           lights  and  candles.  They  also
                           visit each other to bring gifts and   A)  Is Eid a religious festival?
                           sweets.                              B)  How long is Eid?
             are celebrating Victory Day today. There are forty YAYINLARI
                                                                C)  What is Meriç’s favourite dessert?
            Which sentence is correct according to the text     D)  What do people do during this festival?

            A)  Diwali is a five day festival and it’s very important
               for Indians.                                  10.
            B)  Most of the people in India call Diwali the festival        Children's Day        Diwali
               of lights.                                         Dates     every year on    between October
            C)  Indian  people  wear  traditional  clothes  during            23  April       and November
               Diwali.                                                      wear traditional   light up lanterns,
                                                                                               decorate the
            D)  People in India buy new dresses for each other               clothes, join     houses with
               at Diwali.                                        Activities  parades, read     firecrackers,
                                                                             poems, sing
                                                                           songs and dance  prepare traditional
             The fifth grade students in Atatürk Middle School   We understand from the information in the table
                                                                above that ....... .
             - two students in the fifth grade and each student
             hangs out nine balloons in their classroom for     A)  people  do  not  make  anything  to  eat  for
             this festival. There are ........ balloons in their    celebrating these festivals
             classroom in total.                                B)  people do different things on different dates to
                                                                    celebrate these festivals
            Which number must we write in the blank in the      C)  these festivals are celebrated between the same
            paragraph above?                                        months of the year

            A)  two hundred and sixty - seven                   D)  people watch dancers and decorate their houses
                                                                    with ornaments in these festivals
            B)  two hundred and ninety - nine
            C)  three hundred and eighty - seven
            D)  three hundred and seventy - eight
                                                             11.   There are 76 baskets on the table. There are 2
                                                                   eggs in each basket.

        8.  People decorate a pine tree with lights and put gifts
            under the tree. They give these gifts to each other   How many eggs are there on the table?
            on this annual festival.                            A)  Three hundred and sixty  - one.

            Which festival is it?                               B)  Two hundred and eighty  - four.
            A) Christmas             B) Easter                  C)  One hundred and fifty  - two.
            C) Diwali                D) Republic Day            D)  One hundred and forty  - three.

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