P. 304

My Daily Routine

        6.  Britney: Hi, Paige! Oh, you look sleepy. .........  9.

            Paige: My lessons start at eight o’clock, so I get up
            at half past six.

            Britney: That’s too bad. ......................
            Paige: By school bus.

            Britney: �������������������������������������

            Paige: I usually have a snack and do my homework.
            I sometimes go online.
            Find the question that does not complete the

            A)  What do you do after school?
            B)  What time do you get up in the morning?         Look at the chart about Molly’s daily routine.
                                                                Which one is not correct according to the chart?
            C)  What time do your lessons start?
            D)  How do you go to school?                        A)  She leaves home for school at twenty to eight.
                                                                B)  She gets out of bed at quarter past seven.
                                                                C)  She  has  breakfast  with  her  family  at  half  past
        7.  Ryan: I love collecting stamps. There are more than   D)  Her lessons start at half past eight.
            84 stamps in my collection.

            Amy: I have got 43 toys in my toy box. I like playing
            with them a lot.

            Simon: I read at least 75 pages of my book every
            evening. It’s very exciting and fun.
            Wanda: My little brother can count from 1 to 50. He
            is very smart.
                                                             10. Peter: My school finishes at 3.15 p.m. After school, I
            Which of the following is related to one of the     meet my friends and we play games in the park until
            numbers in the speeches above?                      4 p.m. I come home at 4.20 p.m.
            A) seventy - eight       B) forty - six             Sonia: I have my breakfast at 7.15 a.m. and then I
            C) fifty - one           D) eighty - four           brush my teeth. At 7.30 a.m., I get dressed for school

                                                                and I leave home at 7.45 a.m.
                                                                Brad: I eat my lunch at the school cafeteria at 12.30
                                                                p.m.  I  play  games  with  my  friends  in  the  school
        8.  (I) I get up at seven o’clock every morning. (II) I wash   garden before my lessons start in the afternoon.
            my hands and face, get dressed and have breakfast.
            (III) I meet with my friends after the work. (IV) At   Rosie: After school, I come back home at 4.30 p.m.
            eight o’clock, I leave home to go to work.          I rest for an hour and I do my homework until 7 p.m.
                                                                Then, I have dinner and watch TV at 8.30 p.m.
            Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text
                                                                According to the information above, who talks
            above?                                              about his / her evening routine?

            A) I         B) II         C) III        D) IV       A) Brad     B) Rosie     C) Sonia     D) Peter

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