P. 303

My Daily Routine

                                                                 4.       DAY         TIME         ACTIVITY
                                      TEST - 4
                                                                        Monday       16:30       Tennis course
                                                                      Wednesday       17:00      Doing sculpting
             Answer the questions (1 - 2) according to the text
             below.                                                      Friday      13:00        Riding a bike
                                                                        Saturday     15:00       Going shopping

              Hi! I’m Maggie. I’m in the fifth grade. I get up at       Sunday       14:00       Meeting friends
              seven o’clock on weekdays because my school starts
              at eight o’clock. I have breakfast with my family at   According to Daniel’s schedule above, ..... .
              quarter past seven and then I get on the school bus
              at twenty to eight. I have lunch at the school canteen.   A)  he takes tennis courses on Monday mornings
              At three o’clock, I leave school and play games with   B)  going  shopping  and  meeting  friends  are  his
              my friends in the park near the school. I come home       weekend activities
              at around half past four. I rest for a while. Then, I have   C)  he rides a bike on Friday at quarter past one
              dinner at six o’clock. After dinner, I do my homework
              until half past eight. I usually watch TV or listen to   D)  doing sculpting is one of his morning routines on
              music before I go to bed. At ten o’clock, I sleep.        weekdays

            1.  Which of the following time does not Maggie say

                in her daily routine?
                A)                       B)                      5.  Kimberly is a fifth grade student. She gets up very,
                                                                    very early on weekdays, but at weekends she gets
                                                                    up late. She has a family breakfast at ten o’clock.
                                                                    After  breakfast,  she  has  a  shower  and  then  she
                                                                    goes to her language course. In the afternoon, she
                C)                       D)                         meets her friends at the cafe and they usually talk
                                                                    about their school projects.

                                                                                              Let’s learn

            2.  In the text, there is NO information about .... .

                A)  where she has her lunch                         The  photos  above  show  Kimberly’s  weekend
                B)  what she does after school                      routine. Find the missing photo according to the

                C)  what time she finishes her homework             text above.
                D)  why she has her lunch at the school canteen     A)                        B)

            3.  Hello,  there!  I’m  Meltem  from  Turkey.  I  am  a  fifth
                grade student at Istiklal Secondary School. There
                are thirty - five students in my class.             C)                        D)
                Which one can we write instead of the underlined
                number in the text?
                A) 23         B) 35        C) 45         D) 53

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