P. 298


        8.  Nancy is eleven years old. She studies at Roadshow   11.    Questions              Answers
            Secondary  School.  Her  school  starts  at  8.30
            a.m.  and  finishes  at  4.00  p.m.  She  likes  physical   1. Where are you from?  I’m Egyptian.
            education and music very much, but she doesn’t like   2.  What nationality are   I’m from Greece.
            maths. She speaks English and French.                   you?

            Which of the following question is not answered      3. Are you from Japan?   No, I’m from China.
            in the text above?                                   4.  How many languages   Two: German and
                                                                    do you speak?         Chines.
            A)  How many classes does she have a day?
            B)  How many languages does she speak?              Which answers should change places to correct
            C)  What are her favourite classes?                 the mistake?
            D)  Where does she study?                            A) 2 - 4     B) 2 -3     C) 1 - 3     D) 1 - 2

                                                             12. Amber: Hello, I’m Amber. What is your name?
        9.  Tracey: What is your favourite class?
                                                                Dan: Hi, my name is Dan. What nationality are you?
            Edward: ........ I love drawing and painting pictures.
                                                                Amber: �������������������������������������
            Which of the following is Edward’s answer?
                                                                What does Amber say to Dan?
            A)  I like art very much.
            B)  I like social studies.                          A)  I’m from Scotland.
            C)  Maths is my favourite.                          B)  I’m the new student.

            D)  My favourite class is P.E.                      C)  I’m in the fifth grade.
                                                                D)  I’m British.

        10. Mrs.Hudson wants her students to prepare posters
            about their favourite lessons in her class.      13. Britney is a fifth grade student. The graphic below
                                                                shows her feelings about some of her lessons.
                  MY FAVOURITE CLASSES                            7
                                                                  6                                     Love
                                                                  5                                     Dislike
                                                                  3                                     Hate
                                                                  2                                     Like

            Amber: I like social studies, art and history.        0  Maths    Art    P.E.   Science
            David: I enjoy information technology, music and
            maths.                                              According to the information and the graphic
                                                                above, which one is correct?
            Chloe: Science, language class and geography are
            my favourites.                                      A)  She  likes  doing  experiments  and  solving
            Brian:  I  like  maths,  information  technology  and   B)  She enjoys drawing pictures and doing sports.
            science very much.
                                                                C)  She likes playing sports and doing experiments.
            Find the student that prepares the poster above.
                                                                D)  She doesn’t hate solving problems and drawing
            A) David     B) Amber     C) Brian    D) Chloe          pictures.

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