P. 302

Games and Hobbies

        6.                                                   9.
               Simon: I like playing team games. I can play        Hello! My name is Robert. I have two great
               football very well, but I can't play basketball.    friends. They are Nick and Chris. We get on

                                                                   well with each other, but we like doing different
             Justin: I usually play games with my friends.         things. Nick and I like playing basketball and
             Basketball is my favourite, but I dislike football.   making origami, but Chris doesn’t. He enjoys
                                                                   going hiking and swimming. I can’t swim, but
                                                                   I can play tennis. Chris and Nick love playing
              Aaron: I enjoy doing sports and I usually play       hide and seek, but my favourite game is tag. I
              soccer, but I never play tennis and basketball.      also like playing dodgeball.

             Dylan: I like almost all team games, but I like
             basketball more. However, I can't play soccer .    It is clear from the text above that .... .
                                                                A) Chris and Nick can swim, but Robert can’t
            Who enjoys playing football according to the        B) Robert likes playing team and outdoor games
            information above?
                                                                C) they all like playing hide and seek more
            A) Dylan and Justin      B) Simon and Justin        D) Chris isn’t interested in nature sports
            C) Aaron and Dylan       D) Simon and Aaron

        7. Scott: How about playing computer games?
                                                             10. Mr. Carlson asks his students about their favourite
            Orsen: Sorry, but I don’t like computer games. Let’s  games and hobbies. There are 35 students in his
            play chess.                                         class. Here are the results:

            Scott: Well, I can’t play it but we can play checkers.
            Orsen: Sure. I think that’s a good idea. Let’s play it.

            Which of the following is correct according to               dodgeball
            the dialogue above?
                                                                      doing puzzles
            A) They both like playing checkers.
            B) Orsen enjoys playing computer games.
            C) They decide to play chess together.                  collecting stamps
            D) Both of them dislike board games.                    hide and seek

                                                                                  0   2  3  4   7      15
                                                                According to the results above, we can say that

        8.                                                      ........ .
              Hello, friends! I’m Caleb from Bristol, England. I
              have hobbies like many people. I need a piece     A) many  students  like  playing  hopscotch  and
              of paper for my favourite hobby. I fold and shape     collecting stamps
              it to make attractive objects.                    B) nearly all the students like going camping and
                                                                    playing dodgeball
            According  to  the  information  above,  what  is   C) the same number of students like doing puzzles
            Caleb’s favourite hobby?                                and playing hide and seek
            A) Origami               B) Tic - tac - toe         D) hopscotch and hide and seek are very popular
            C) Sculpting             D) Hangman                     games among students

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