P. 301

Games and Hobbies

                                                                 4.  Jolie: Do you make origami?
                                      TEST - 3                      Mia: No, but I love doing sculpting. What about you?

            1.  Amanda likes spending time with her friends. She    Jolie: I like collecting stamps very much. Can you
                usually plays indoor games with them. She doesn’t   play tic - tac - toe ?
                like outdoor games at all.                          Mia: No, I can’t. I’m bad at paper games. Would you

                According to the information above, which game      like to play tag in the garden?
                does Amanda like playing?                           Jolie: Yes, I’d like to. I like it because I can run fast.
                A) Chess                 B) Blind man’s buff        According to the dialogue above, .... .
                C) Dodgeball             D) Hopscotch
                                                                    A)  Mia plays paper games like Jolie
                                                                    B)  both of them like playing tag
                                                                    C)  they have the same hobbies
                                                                    D)  tic - tac - toe is their favourite game

                  Hello, friends! My name is Nick. I live in New
                  York, the USA with my family. I’m in the fifth
                  grade. I love playing games in my free time.
                  I  like  chess  and  checkers,  but  I  don’t  like
                  hangman  and  tic - tac - toe.  I  sometimes  go
                  camping or fishing with my father at weekends.
                  I’m also on the school soccer team. It is my
                  favourite game.

                                                                 5.              Dylan    Emily   Tony    Betty
                We can understand from the text above that .... .

                A)  he enjoys playing paper games                                  ✔       ✘       ✘       ✔
                B)  he is not interested in team sports
                C)  he likes playing board games                                   ✘       ✔       ✘       ✔

                D)  he doesn’t like doing outdoor activities
                                                                                   ✔       ✘       ✔       ✘

                                                                                   ✘       ✔       ✔       ✘

                                                                    Which of the following can we say according to
            3.  Mandy: I have some guests for dinner. I want to buy   the chart above?
                some fresh bread and cookies. Is there a ............
                near here?                                          A)  Dylan and Betty like doing indoor activities, but
                                                                        they dislike board games.
                Amanda: Yes, there is. It is on the corner of Queen
                Street.                                             B)  All  of  them  like  playing  individual  and  team
                                                                        games except Emily.
                Which of the following is suitable to complete      C)  Emily and Tony don’t like board games, but they
                the dialogue?                                           like outdoor activities.
                A) bakery                B) butcher                 D)  Tony and Dylan like doing sports, but Betty and
                C) grocery               D) barbershop                  Emily don’t.

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