P. 297


                                                                 5.  Mary: Hello! I’m Mary.
                                      TEST - 1
                                                                    Suzanne: Hi, Mary. I’m Suzanne ...........

            1.  Camilla: Hello, I’m Camilla. What’s your name?      Mary: Not bad, thanks.
                Benjiro: Hi, I’m Benjiro. Where are you from?       Complete the blank with the suitable option.

                Camilla: I’m from Brazil. Nice to meet you.
                                                                    A)  How old are you?
                Benjiro: �����������������������������              B)  How are you?

                Which option completes the dialogue correctly?      C)  Where are you from?
                A) I speak English.      B) I’m happy for you.      D)  Do you like history?
                C) You are welcome.      D) My pleasure.

                 Sofia studies at Highfields Secondary School.   6.
                 She is good at ........ because she enjoys doing              Hello! My name is Olivia. I'm twelve
                 experiments. She doesn’t like ....... because she             years  old.  I'm  a  secondary  school
                 hates solving problems.                                       student. I'm British. I live in Oxford
                                                                               with  my  family.  I  speak  English,
                Find the correct option that fills in the blanks.               German and French.
                A) science / history      B) geography / science
                C) geography / maths     D) science / maths         What does not Olivia talk about herself?
                                                                    A) Age                    B) Languages
                                                                    C) Hobbies                D) Nationality
                I.  I’m good. I’m so happy to see you again.
                II.  Hello, Jessica. How are you?
                III. I hope so.
                IV. I’m great. And you?                          7.                   ID CARD
                V�  Me, too. Well, I hope we will meet up later.
                                                                                     Name: Oscar Wilde
                Put the sentences into the correct order to make                     Age: 11
                a meaningful dialogue.                                               Country: England

                A) II - V - I - IV - III     B) II - IV - I - V - III                Nationality: English
                C) IV - V - III - I - II     D) I - III - V - II - IV  Languages: English, French, Spanish
                                                                      School: Highland Secondary School

                                                                      Favourite Subjects: Science, P.E., History
            4.  Hi! My name is Jane. I’m a secondary school student.
                I like solving problems and drawing beautiful pictures,   Which of the following is correct according to
                but I like learning about the Earth the most. I’m bad at   the ID card above?
                singing and doing experiments.                      A)  He is a thirteen - year - old student.

                What is Jane’s favourite class?                     B)  He dislikes learning about past events.
                A) Geography             B) Art                     C)  He speaks two foreign languages.
                C) Maths                 D) Science                 D)  He is French, but he can speak English.

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