P. 7
9. Your cousin wants to borrow some 11. 11. Your acquaintance asks you to
money from you, but you are not in a attend a social gathering, but you are
position to lend them any. How can you feeling unwell. How can you politely
refuse their request in a polite way? decline their invitation?
A) Why do you always ask for money? A) Sorry, I don’t really like social gatherings,
so I won’t be able to attend.
B) You never pay back, so I can’t lend you
money. B) I’m not interested in attending, so I’ll
have to pass.
C) I have better things to do with my
money than to lend it to you. C) I have other plans, so I won’t be able
to attend.
D) Sorry, I can’t lend you money, and I
don’t think I will ever be able to lend D) That sounds boring, I’ll have to decline.
you money.
E) Thank you so much for inviting me, but
E) I’m sorry, but I’m not able to lend you unfortunately, I’m feeling a bit under
any money at the moment. the weather and won’t be able to make it.
Answer the questions 12-14 according to
the passage below.
My name is Sarah, and I am a pupil at
the local high school. Every day, I wake
up early to start my daily routine. I take
a shower, eat breakfast, and then head to
school. During my classes, I take notes and
listen carefully to the teachers. When I get
home, I usually take a short break before
starting my revision. I revise my lessons
from the day and prepare for upcoming
exams. My parents always say that
“practice makes perfect,” and I try my
10. Your friend wants to go out for drinks
best to follow that proverb. I always make
tonight, but you need to study for
sure to submit my assignments on time
an exam. How can you decline their
and aim for satisfactory grades. However,
invitation politely?
sometimes I get stressed out and worry
A) I appreciate the offer, but I have to about not doing well. But I remind myself
study for an exam tonight. Can we plan that hard work pays off, and I keep going.
to go out another night?
B) Why would I go out with you when I 12. Which one is correct about Sarah?
have to study for an exam?
A) She is a teacher at a local high school.
C) You’re always asking me to go out, don’t
B) She usually skips breakfast.
you have anything else to do?
C) She doesn’t care about her grades.
D) I can’t believe you’re asking me to go
out when you know I have an exam. D) She often submits her assignments late.
E) Sorry, but I don’t think going out with E) She listens carefully to her teachers
you is a good use of my time. during her classes.