P. 6
5. Shelia: I heard that discipline is
For questions 7-11, choose the expression
important for success. Do you agree? to say in the given situation.
Greg: Yes, discipline helps you stay
7. Your neighbor invites you to a party
focused and achieve your goals.
this weekend, but you have plans
Shelia: ---- already. How can you politely decline
Greg: I make a checklist of tasks and the invitation?
prioritize them based on importance. A) Why would I want to waste my time at
A) What’s your favourite hobby? your lame party? No thanks.
B) I wouldn’t be caught dead at a party
B) How do you practice discipline in your
with you and your boring friends.
daily life?
C) Do you prefer working alone or in a team? C) Sorry, I don’t hang out with losers like
D) How do you define success?
D) I’d like to, but I cannot attend your
E) Can you recommend a good book to party as I have other plans. I’m sorry.
E) Why would I want to go to your party
when I have better plans?
6. Andy: Have you completed your entry
8. Your colleague asks you to help them
for the biology competition yet?
with a project after work, but you
Harris: Not yet. I’m still doing research have a family obligation. How can you
to make sure my project is accurate. politely say no?
Andy: That’s a good idea. ---- A) Sorry, but my personal life is more
important than work, so I cannot help
Harris: I hope so. I’ve been practicing
discipline and working hard on my
project. B) Why can’t you handle it yourself? I have
my own things to take care of.
A) Do you think you’ll achieve a high score?
C) Sorry, but I have to help my father
B) How long have you been working on
clean the garage.
your project?
D) I already have plans that are much more
C) Why do you need to do research?
important than your project, so I cannot
D) Have you considered asking for help? help you.
E) Are you participating in any other E) I don’t have time for you or your project,
competitions? so find someone else to help you.