P. 11

¦ SCHOOL LIFE   §                                                          11 11

          5. Sandra: Hi! Did you see the notice on  7. You are waiting for your friend to arrive
             the bulletin board about obeying the     at a coffee shop, but they are late.
             school rules?                            How would you ask if everything is
             Nicole: Yes, I did. It’s important to
             obey rules to keep everyone safe.        A) Is everything alright?
             Sandra: ---- We should always follow     B) I don’t wonder why you’re late.
             the rules, no matter what.               C) Did you forget about our meeting?
             Nicole: Absolutely! It’s the responsible  D) Can I have your phone number?
             thing to do.
                                                      E) I don’t care if you’re late.
             A) I  think  some  rules  are  meant to  be
             B) Rules are boring.
             C) It’s not important to follow rules all the
             D) I agree.
             E) We should follow rules only when we  8. Your teacher is explaining a  difficult
                feel like it.                         concept, but you don’t understand.
                                                      How would you ask for clarification?
                                                      A) Can you explain that again please?
                                                      B) This is too hard for me.
                                                      C) I don’t understand anything.
                                                      D) Why don’t you try another job?
                                                      E) I’m not listening.

           For questions 6-10, choose the expression
           to say in the given situation.

          6. You are at a restaurant and the waiter  9. You are at a party, and someone
             brings you the wrong order. How would    accidentally spills their drink on your
             you ask for the correct order politely?  clothes. How would you ask for help to
                                                      clean it?
             A) Could  you  please  bring  me  the  correct
                order?                                A) I’m leaving.
             B) This is not what I ordered.           B) That’s okay, it happens.
             C) Give me my money back.                C) Do you want to fight?

             D) Can I talk to the manager?            D) Can I have your drink?
             E) I’ll just eat it, it’s okay.          E) Can you help me clean this?
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