Page 16 - 8-ingilizce-konu
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40                                                     TEEN LIFE
       4�                                6�  Carol:  How  do  you  go  to  school,
                  What  type  of  music    Hannah?
                  do you prefer?           Hannah: My school isn’t far away from
                                           our house, so I prefer riding my bike to
           Jason                           the school. I think it’s a good exercise.
              I prefer heavy metal.        According to the dialogue, what can
              How about you?               we say about Hannah?
                                           A) She likes going to the school on foot.
             EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
                  Well,  I  prefer  classical   B) She thinks riding a bike is a healthy
                  music.   And   to   be     activity.
                  honest, I never listen to   C) Her house is not near the school.
                  heavy metal. I think it’s   D) Riding  a  bike  is  her  favorite  daily
                  the worst kind of music    activity.
                  you can listen to.
         Which one is true according to the
         speech bubbles?
         A) Jason  and  Dave  have  the  same
         B) Classical music is the worst type of
           music for Jason.              Çıkmış Soru
         C) Dave doesn’t love listening to heavy   7�  Researchers  asked  teenagers
           metal.                           and  adults  about  the  types  of
         D) For   Jason,   heavy   metal   is   transportation  they  preferred.  Here
           unbearable.                      are the results:

                                               of people       Adults
       5�                                    20                  Types of   transportation
         I.  Rap?  No,  I  don’t  think  so.  I  prefer   10
            listening to jazz.                0  Bus Car Plane Train
         II.  My favorite singer is Anabella.   Which of the following is CORRECT
         III. Do you like listening to rap?   according to the results?
         IV. Who’s your favorite singer?    A) Travelling  by  bus  is  popular
                                              among teenagers.
         Put  the  sentences  into  the  correct
         order   to   make   a   meaningful   B) Teenagers mostly travel by train.
         conversation.                      C) Adults always travel by plane.
         A) II - I - III - IV   B) III - I - IV - II  D) Adults never travel by car.
         C) IV - I - III - II   D) I - III - II - IV
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