Page 12 - 8-ingilizce-konu
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22                                                    FRIENDSHIP
       17� My family is planning to move to London   19�   Hi, I’m Brenda. I have
         next  year.  I  don’t  have  many  friends    many  friends  in  my
         here,  but  I’ll  miss  my  best  friends,    class, but Jamie is my
         Emma and Carol. In fact, it’s a chance        closest  friend.  I’m  so
         for me to make new friends. I want to         lucky to have a friend
         have true friends there. ...........          like  her.  I  can  tell  her
         Which  sentence  can  we  use  for   all my secrets because she never tells my
         completing the text?              secrets to anyone. She is very honest so
                                           she  never  lies  to  me.  She  helps  me
         A) I don’t want my friends to spend time   whenever I need. We have got the same
             EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
           with other people because they can   interests  and  hobbies  so  we  enjoy
           forget me.
                                           spending  time  together.  She  is  like  a
         B) I  don’t  get  on  well  with  my  friends   sister to me.
           because we argue most of the time.
                                           Read  the  text  above.  What  makes
         C) Friendship  is  not  important  for  me   Jamie special for Brenda?
           because many friends come into our   A) Jamie and Brenda don’t have lots of
           lives for just a short time.
                                             things in common.
         D) They  stay  in  our  lives  forever
           because  they  are  like  our  brothers   B) Jamie is never there when Brenda is
                                             in trouble.
           and sisters.
                                           C) Brenda  knows  that  Jamie  always
                                             supports her.
                                           D) Brenda thinks Jamie is a laid - back
                                             girl, she never minds others.

       18� Matthew:   What   are   you   doing
         Dwayne: We are going to have a BBQ
         party with friends. Would you like to join
         us?                             Çıkmış Soru
         Matthew: Sounds good, but I can’t.   20� Mark:  I  am  going  to  see  my  sister
                                            in the afternoon. Would you like to
         Dwayne: Really? Why not?
                                            come with me?
         Matthew: ......................
                                            Sarah: Why not? ....................?
         Dwayne:  Oh,  dear!  Another  time,
         maybe.                             Mark:  In  front  of  the  cinema.  We
                                            want to watch a movie together.
         Which one can be Matthew’s reason   Complete  the  dialogue  with  the
         according to the dialogue?
                                            correct choice.
         A) I don’t have anything better to do.
                                            A) Who will you go out with
         B) I’m visiting my grandpa at hospital.
                                            B) What are you going to buy
         C) I’m very hungry, so I’ll be there.
                                            C) What time will you go there
         D) I’d  love  to  come  because  I’m  into
           parties.                         D) Where are you going to meet
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