Page 11 - 8-ingilizce-konu
P. 11

FRIENDSHIP                                                 17
          Answer  the  questions  (12-13)  according   12� Angela ............................ .
          to the e-mails below.               A) is  planning  a  slumber  party  for  the
                                               Thursday night
                                              B) invites Lily to Nancy’s surprise party
          New Message                         C) thinks  the  party  is  going  to  be
          From:     Angela                     awesome
          To:       Nancy                     D) wants  Nancy  to  bring  some  music
                                               CDs for the party
             EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
          Date:     15 / 04 / 2020
                                           13� Which  one  is  true  for  Nancy
          Subject:    Surprise Party!        according to the e-mails?
          Dear Nancy,                         A) She  wants  to  organise  a  surprise
                                               party for Lily.
          Jenny and I are organising a surprise
          party for Lily to celebrate her new job.   B) She is going to make some cupcakes
          It’s a secret for now, so don’t tell it to   for the party.
          anybody. The party is on Thursday. It   C) She is going to be there before the
          starts at 5 p.m. And it’s going to be at   party starts.
          Jenny’s house. Jenny is going to make   D) She doesn’t like surprise parties, so
          some cupcakes for the party, and I’m   she refuses the invitation.
          going to bring beverages and crisps. Can   14� One  of  your  friends  calls  you  because
          you bring some CDs to listen? I hope you   he / she wants to spend some time with
          can come.                          you outside. But you’re very tired and you
          See you soon.                      don’t  want  to  go  out.  You  apologise  to
                                             your friend and refuse him / her politely.
                                             What do you say?
                                              A) Yeah, it sounds awesome.
                                              B) I’m sorry, but I’m too tired.
          New Message                         C) Cool! I’d love to come.
          From:     Nancy                     D) I’m tired, but I’ll definitely be there.
          To:       Angela                 15� Eddie:  What  are  you  doing  tonight?
                                             Would you like to come over? We can
          Date:     16 / 04 / 2020           play video games together.
          Subject:    Re: Surprise Party!    Bill: ......................
          Hi, Angela                         Eddie: It’s okay. Another time, maybe.
          Thanks for your invitation. I really like   Choose  the  correct  choice  to
          surprise parties. I’m sure it will be a big   complete the dialogue.
          surprise for Lily. I’m going to be there at   A) I’d  love  to,  but  I  have  a  lot  of
          4 p.m. on Thursday and also I will bring   homework.
          CDs. It’s going to be awesome.      B) Sounds great! I’ll be there for sure.
          See you soon.                       C) Sure, I don’t have any plans for this
          Nancy                                evening.
                                              D) Yeah, I am not going to do anything.
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