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TEEN LIFE                                                  35
                                      TEST 1
          1�  Sheila: Tell me, Angela. What kind of   3�  Linda: .......................................
            music do you prefer listening?
                                             Nancy:  Four  times  a  month.  I  like
            Angela:  Well,  I  prefer  listening  to   spending time with them.
            classical music.                 Complete  the  dialogue  with  the
            Sheila: Why do you prefer it?    correct option.
            Angela: ......................   A) What  do  you  usually  do  on
            Find  the  suitable  option  for  the
            .......... . EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
            blank.                           B) How  often  do  you  meet  with  your
            A) I think it is unbearable.       friends?
                                             C) What do you like doing in your free
            B) I’m fond of listening to music loudly.
            C) I find it so relaxing.
                                             D) How often do you do sports?
            D) Going to classical music concerts is

                                            Çıkmış Soru
                                            4�  Tomorrow  is  Kate’s  birthday.  So,
                                               Joe decides to buy her a book and
                                               asks Kate’s friends about the books
                                               she has read or bought.
                                                These are their answers:
                                               Max   : I know she has finished “The
          2�  John:  Do  you  prefer  wearing  trendy   Friendship”.
            clothes or casual clothes?         Zack : She wanted to read “The Old
            Alex: I prefer casual clothes because   World” and Jane bought it for her.
                                               Rose : She wanted to buy the book
            John: I agree with you entirely. I always   “The Indian Music” but she bought
            prefer wearing jeans and T-shirts.  “The Great Dog”.
            Find Alex’s preference reason.     According  to  the  information
                                               above, which of the following bo-
            A) casual clothes are not more trendy
                                               oks should Joe buy for Kate?
            B) I always wear clothes in fashion
                                               A) The Indian Music
            C) trendy clothes are very impressive,   B) The Great Dog
              so I like them
                                               C) The Old World
            D) they are very comfortable and I feel
              relaxed                          D) The Friendship
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