Page 514 - 4-sinif-vip-tum-dersler-konu-anlatimli-22
P. 514

514                                                              Skill Based Questions

        8.                                               11 ve 12. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre cevap-

                 Lauren                                      Hello! My name is Chloe. I’m a student.
                                                             This is my daily routine. I wake up at
                                                             seven o’clock in the morning. I wash my
                 Daniel                                      face and have breakfast at 7.30 a.m.

                                                             Then, I brush my teeth and get dressed
            Tabloya göre hangi seçenekteki ifade doğ-        for  school.  I  go  to  school  at  eight
            rudur?                                           o’clock. I take the bus to school every
                                                             morning. I have lunch at twelve o’clock
           A)  Daniel: I like watching TV, but I dislike      at noon. At three o’clock, I go home.
               playing computer games.                         I  do  my  homework  before  dinner.  I

           B)  Lauren: I like flying a kite, but I dislike      have dinner with my family at 6.30
               planting trees.                                   p.m. I watch TV at seven o’clock. I

           C)  Daniel: I dislike planting trees, but I like        go to bed at ten o’clock. Before I
               watching TV.                                            sleep, I read a book.

           D)  Lauren: I dislike flying a kite, but I like
               planting trees.

                                   Yes, you can.

                                                         11.  Hangi resim Chloe’nin günlük rutinlerinden
                                                            birini göstermez?
                                                            A)                  B)

            Yukarıdaki  görsele  göre  boşluğa  gelecek
            uygun soru hangisidir?                          C)                  D)
           A)  May I take your book?
           B)  May I open the window?

           C)  Can I answer the question?
           D)  May I go back to my place?

        10. Charlie: What is the time, mom?
            Mom:  ...............................  It’s  time  for
            breakfast.                                   12. Hangi sorunun metinde bir cevabı yoktur?
            Charlie: OK, mom! I’m coming.                   A)  What does she do at 8 a.m.?

            Diyalog hangi ifade ile tamamlanmalıdır?        B)  What time does she get on the bus?
            A) It is eight o’clock.  B) It is 9 p.m.        C)  What does she do before 10 p.m.?

            C) It is lunch time.   D) It is twelve o’clock.  D)  What time does she go home?

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