Page 513 - 4-sinif-vip-tum-dersler-konu-anlatimli-22
P. 513

GENERAL ASSESSMENT - 1                                                   FIRST TERM       513

            1.                                               4.

                Görseli  karşılayan  ifade  hangi  seçenekte
                verilmiştir?                                    Resmi anlatan ifade hangi seçenekte veril-
               A)  Sit down, please.
               B)  Stand up, please.                            A)  He can’t read a book.
               C)  Go back to your place, please.               B)  He can’t drive a car.

               D)  Look at the board, please.                   C)  He can’t ride a bike.
                                                                D)  He can play the piano.

                                                             5.  Sophie:

                                                                Matthew: I do my homework and go to bed
                                                                at ten o’clock.
            2.  Peter:              ?
                                                                Matthew’un  cevabına  göre  Sophie  hangi
                Ela: It is in the north.
                                                                soruya sormuştur?
                Boşluk hangi soru cümlesi ile tamamlan-         A)  What do you do in the morning?
                                                                B)  What do you do in the evening?
               A)  Where is Trabzon
                                                                C)  Do you like doing your homework after
               B)  Where are you from                              school?

               C)  What nationality are you                     D)  What is your favourite free time activity?
               D)  Where is Antalya

                                                             6.  Samuel:  Give  me  the  pencil  sharpener,

                                                                Hailey: .......................... Here you are.
                                                                Boşluğa hangi ifade getirilmelidir?
            3.  Martin: Do you like playing badminton?          A) Sorry, not right now.   B) Yes, you may.
                Jason: .......................................................  C) Sure, of course.      D) Maybe later.

                Martin: Do you like playing badminton,
                                                             7.  Hello! My name is Estella. I’m Spanish. I’m
                Jason: Yes, I do.                               ten years old. I’m in the fourth grade. I like

                Diyalog hangi ifade ile tamamlanmalıdır?        reading books and listening to music in my
               A)  Playing  badminton  is  my  favourite        free time.
                   activity.                                    Metinde Estella hakkında neden bahsedil-
               B)  I don’t like playing badminton.              memiştir?
               C)  I play badminton on Sunday afternoons.       A) Her nationality.   B) Her age.

               D)  Say that again, please.                      C) Her hobbies.     D) Her languages.

                                        EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
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