Page 515 - 4-sinif-vip-tum-dersler-konu-anlatimli-22
P. 515

GENERAL ASSESSMENT - 2                                                   FIRST TERM       515

            1.                                               4.

                                                                I.  Sure. Here you are.
                                                                II.  Give me the eraser, please.
                                                                III. Thank you.
                                                                IV. Eraser, please.
                                                                V.  You’re welcome.
                                                                VI. Can you say that again, please?
                Yukarıdaki  Türkiye  haritasına  göre  hangi
                ifade yanlıştır?                                Yukarıdaki  cümlelerle  anlamlı  bir  diyalog
                                                                oluşturmak için sıralama nasıl olmalıdır?
               A)  Adana is in the south.
                                                                A)  IV - VI - III - I - II - V
               B)  Van is in the west.
                                                                B)  II - III - V - VI - I - IV
               C)  Samsun is in the north.
                                                                C)  IV - VI - II - I - III - V
               D)  Çanakkale is in the west.
                                                                D)  II - VI - IV - I - III - V

            2.  Taylor:                    Save the energy.
                                                             5.  Meghan: Is your best
                Chris: Sure, of course.
                                                                friend British?
                Diyalog hangi ifade ile tamamlanmalıdır?
                                                                George: No, he isn’t. ..........
               A)  Turn on the lights, please.
                                                                Görsele göre diyalog hangi
               B)  Clean the board, please.                     ifade ile tamamlanmalıdır?

               C)  Turn off the lights, please.
                                                                A)  He is American.
               D)  Open the window, please.
                                                                B)  I don’t think so.
                                                                C)  He is from France.
                                                                D)  He is Spanish.

            3.             Hello, friends! I am Tim from

                           Britain.  My  favourite  cartoon   6.
                           character is Pepe. He is a little     1.  I  go  shopping  with  my  mother
                           boy. He can     (1)     , but                        Saturdays.
                           he can’t        (2)        .
                                                                  2. I go to school                eight
                Konuşma  balonunda  boş  bırakılan  yerler        o’clock in the mornings.
                hangi seçenekte verilenler ile tamamlan-
                malıdır?                                        Boş bırakılan yerlere hangi seçenekte veri-
                                                                lenler getirilmelidir?
                              1                 2
                                                                            1              2
                A)      ride a bike          dance
                B)       do puzzles     play the guitar         A)          in             on
                C)       jump high         sing songs           C)         on              at
                D)     take a picture     drive a car           D)         on              in

                                        EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
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