Page 179 - 7-sinif-telafi
P. 179

178  test 4                                  Kazanım Soruları                                                  ENVIRONMENT

        6.  A  group  of  environmantalist  printed  out   8.   Sally: Batteries contain    10. Forests are home for a lot of animal species.
           some visuals to stick on public places. They   heavy metals and they are           But people cut down thousands of trees on
           aim to save energy.                       very harmful for the nature.             their planet. The destruction of forests kills
                                                                                              a large number of animals because they lose
                                                                                              their natural habitats and can’t find enough
                                                     Carol: What must we do to protect  the
                                                     nature from this danger?                 food to survive. People should ....................
                                                                                              because they are important for the balance
                                                                                              of the nature.
                                                     Sally:  We  must  ………………  and  also  we
                                                     should use rechargeable batteries.       Find the option that is not suitable for the
                                                     A)  use less renewable energy sources    A)  stop destroying forests and protect them
           What  should  not  we  do  to  save  energy   B)  put them in the recycling bins   B)  take endangered animals under
           according to the visuals above?                                                       protection
                                                     C)  be careful about the use of electricity
           A)  We should use our new electronical    D)  definitely recycle paper, glass and plastic  C)  create more natural reserves for animals
              machines.                                                                       D)  grow their own vegetables in their garden
           B)  We should use the sun light from the  EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
              windows.                           Editör Yayınevi                           Editör Yayınevi
           C)  We shouldn’t change the light bulbs with                                     11. Global  warming  is  the  increase  in  the
              the energy saving ones.                                                         temperature  of  the  Earth’s  atmosphere.
           D)  We shouldn’t turn the lights on when                                           It  also  changes  the  Earth’s  climate.  This
              there is sun light inside.                                                      change threatens a lot of animal species and
                                                                                              plants.  They  can  be  endangered,  or  even
        7.  Jason:  What  should  we  do  to  protect  our                                    extinct in the near future. ............................
           environment?                           9.  Carbon dioxide in the air is increasing, so   We are all responsible for our planet!
                                                     we  have  to  start  planting  trees.  Planting
           Mandy: We shouldn’t cut down trees. Also                                           Which  sentence  is  not  appropriate  to
           we should plant more trees.               trees is a very enjoyable activity and it is   complete the text?
                                                     a  good  way  to  decrease  carbon  dioxide.
           Jason: Why?                               People  should  know  that  forests  are  very   A)  We must take necessary precautions to
                                                                                                 prevent global warming.
                                                     important for humankind. Because ........... .
           Mandy: Because ……………. .                                                            B)  We must stop the speed of heating and
           A)  we must use both sides of paper       A)  they have negative effects on earth     use eco friendly products.
           B)  plants consume oxygen during the night  B)  they make the world a worse place  C)  We must use fossil fuels to heat our
                                                                                                 houses get energy.
           C)  they sometimes absorb of the air      C)  they absorb a lot of carbon dioxide  D)  We must plant trees to reduce carbon
           D)  we need forests for fresh air         D)  they steal oxygen from the air          dioxide in the atmosphere.
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