Page 182 - 7-sinif-telafi
P. 182

PLANETS                                                Kazanım Soruları               Beceri Temelli Yeni Nesil Sorular  test 5  181

           1.                                          3.  Space tourism is the space travel of ordinary   5.
                                                          people to space and back. If you want to travel       I read an article about
           2.  “It’s our planet. It is the only planet known to İTÖR YAYINEVİ
                                                          in space, ..................... . Because people pay   the man-made satellites
                                                          a  big  amount  of  money  to  become  a  space      yesterday.  The  article
                                                          tourist.                                             said  they  have  a  lot  of
                                                                                                       Jason   advantages to make our
                                                          Choose the best option to fill in the blank.         life easier. For example,
                                                          A)  you don’t have to pay any money                  .............................. .
                                                          B)  you have to be an astronaut
             Mars has got a red surface. It is called “the Red   C)  you must have enough money
             Planet.” The gravity on Mars is less than Earth’s.   D)  you will stay in space hotels             I am not sure about it.
             It  has  two  small  moons  and  it  is  the  closest                                             I think they are harmful
             planet to Earth. A year on Earth is shorter than   4.                                             for our planet.
             a year on Mars.                              NASA launched Apollo 11 on July 16, 1969.   Molly
                                                          It was the first space flight to the Moon.
             Which sentence cannot we say according to    There  were  three  cabin  astronauts  in  it.   Which of the following can not we use
             the text?                                    Their  names  were  Neil  Armstrong,  Buzz   to complete the dialogue?
             A)  You weigh more on Mars than on Earth.  Editör Yayınevi  Aldrin and Michael Collins. The spacecraft   Editör Yayınevi  A)  they have the bird’s eye view of the
             B)  Mars is called “the Red Planet” because of   landed  on  the  moon  on  July  20,  1969.   Earth so they can collect data more
                its colour.                               Neil  Armstrong  became  the  first  human
             C)  Mars’ orbit is longer than Earth’s.      to step on the moon. ........................ They   quickly
             D)  Mars has two satellites and it is very close   completed the mission perfectly and turned   B)  they help to predict weather
                                                          back to Earth safely.
                to Earth.                                 Choose the correct option to complete the    conditions so we use them for
                                            ED            text.                                     C)  they are beaming TV and phone call
                                                                                                       weather forecast
                                                          A)  They didn’t make any scientific
             harbour life. It has an atmosphere that sustains   experiments.                           signals around the world so we use
             life.  Seventy-one  percent  of  its  surface  is
             covered with water.”                         B)  They had some problems on the way back   them for communication
                                                            to Earth.
             Which planet is it?                          C)  They collected some samples and took   D)  they are creating a huge amount
                                                            some photos.                               of floating space junk around our
             A) Mercury          B) Earth
                                                          D)  They didn’t find anything on the Moon’s   planet
             C) Saturn           D) Jupiter                 surface.
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