Page 176 - 7-sinif-telafi
P. 176


           Describing Simple Processes                  ⤷   We should use solar and wind energy because
           •  First (ilk olarak), then (sonra), and (daha sonra)   these energy sources are renewable.  Affirmative Sentences (Olumlu Cümleler)
           •  Because:  “Çünkü”  anlamına  gelir.  Bir  durumun  EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
             ve finally (son olarak) gibi bağlaçları bir olayı sı-                                      I
             ralı bir şekilde ifade etmek istediğimizde kulla-  •  So: “Bu yüzden” anlamına gelir. Bir durumun   You
                                                          sonucunu açıklar.
             nırız.                                                                                    We
                                                        ⤷   I want to reduce air pollution, so I use public   They  must      V .
              Examples:                                    transportation.                              He                     1

           Planting a tree is a very enjoyable activity and it is   ⤷   Pesticides are very harmful for our health so   She
           one of the best ways to save our planet. If you want   we should use them carefully.         It
           to plant a tree, you must follow some steps:  ⤷   We mustn’t waste water so we turn off the
                                                           tap when we don’t need water.            Examples:
            ⤷    First, get a tree and select a proper place.
            ⤷   Then, dig a hole.                      •  And:  “Ve”  anlamına  gelir.  İki  benzer  durumu   ⤷   We must protect the environment.
                                                          birbirine bağlar.                        ⤷   We must stop destroying forests.
            ⤷    And place the tree in the centre of the hole and                                  ⤷   People must use public transportation
               cover the hole with soil.                ⤷   We  shouldn’t  use  our  private  cars  and  we
            ⤷   Finally, water the newly planted tree.     should  walk  or  cycle  in  short  distances  to   to reduce air pollution.
                                                           protect our world.                      ⤷   People  must  stop  eating  junk  food
           Giving Explanations and Reasons                                                            because waste oil is polluting the seas
                                                        ⤷   Many people pollute the seas, lakes and rivers
           Revision                                        with garbage but it  is too bad for our future.  and rivers.
           •  But:  “Ama,  fakat”  anlamına  gelir.  Zıt  durumları   ⤷   Our environment is in danger and one of the   ⤷   You  must  unplug  your  PC  when  you
             birbirine bağlar.                             biggest threats is global warming.         aren’t using it.
            ⤷   Factories are very important for economy but   Expressing Obligation              Negative Sentences (Olumsuz Cümleler)
               they cause land and air pollution.      MUST                                             I

            ⤷   People destroy forests but they are necessary   •  Bu yapı kişisel zorunlulukları ifade etmek için   You
               for oxygen.
                                                          kullanılır. Aynı zamanda herhangi bir şeyin ya-  We     mustn't
                                                          pılması  kuvvetle  tavsiye  edilirken  de  kullanı-  They  (must not)  V .
             nedenini açıklar.                            labilir. Türkçede “-meli, -malı” anlamına gelir.   He
            ⤷   We  should  use  pesticides  carefully  because   Olumsuzu olan “musn’t” yapısı yasaklama ifa-  She
               they are bad for our health.               de edilirken kullanılır.                     It
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