Page 93 - 8-sinif-vip-tum-dersler-konu-anlatimli-22
P. 93

            SCIENCE - 2                                                                      UNIT 9    695


            1.  Read the text and answer the questions.      2.  Read  the  text  and  write  if  they  are  True  (T)  or
                                                               False (F).

                                                                                  The  Wright  Brothers,  Orville
                                                                                  and  Wilbur  invented  the
                                                                                  world’s   first   successful
                                                                                  airplane.  They  worked  with
                                                                                  printing  presses,  bicycles,
                                                                                  motors and other machineries
                                                                                  in their shop for years.  They
                                                                                  designed, built and flew the
                John Logie Baird was the inventor of the mechanical               first  controlled,  powered
                 television. He was born in 1888. He was educated                 airplane  on  December  17,
                at Larchfield Academy in Helensburgh, the Glasgow   1903. They started working on making airplanes in their
                  and West of Scotland Technical College and the   bicycle shop. Their first test flight was in Kitty Hawk.
                                                             The Wright Brothers kept their invention as a secret for
               University of Glasgow, but Baird made major advances
                                                             a few years until they showed it to the world in 1908.
                  in his laboratory, he successfully transmitted the
                                                             After that, they founded a company to build airplanes.
                first television programme for the BBC. Baird’s other
                inventions were a video recording device, radar and   1)  They had a bicycle shop.
               radio direction finding. He died in 1946 after suffering a                          ������������
                                                             2)  After  they  built  their  first  airplane,  they
                                                                showed it to the world immediately.    ������������
                                                             3)  They  flew  their  airplane  in  Kitty  Hawk
            1)  When was Baird born?                                                               ������������
               ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  4)  They  founded  a  company  to  build

            2)  Where  did  Baird  transmit  the  first  television   airplanes after 1908.        ������������
                                                             5)  They finished the design of their invention
                                                                in a very short time.              ������������
               ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  6)  They  are  known  as  the  inventors  of  the

            3)  Did  Baird  transmit  the  first  TV  programme  for  the   first airplane.        ������������

                                                             3.  Fill in the blanks with the words below.
            4)  What were his other inventions?
                                                               inventions  invented    died     inventor

            5)  When did Baird die?                                          Charles  Babbage  was  an  English
               ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  (1)  ..............  .  He  (2)  .................  the
                                                                             first mechanical computer. His other
            6)  Who was John Logie Baird?
                                                                             (3)  ..............  were  the  pilot  (also
                                                             called  a  cow-catcher),  dynamometer  car  and
            7)  Which schools did Baird take his education?  ophthalmoscope (a device which is used for examining
              ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  the eye). He (4) .............. at the age of 79.

                                        EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
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