Page 91 - 8-sinif-vip-tum-dersler-konu-anlatimli-22
P. 91

            GENERAL ASSESSMENT                                                               UNIT 7    683
            1.             Hello,  everybody!  I’m  Britney.  I    Answer the questions (3-4) according to
                           like  travelling  very  much  and  I          the given questions below.
                           want  to  tell  you  about  my  holiday
                           preferences.  I  really  enjoy  visiting
                           ancient  sites  and  seeing  historical   WHERE DO YOU            WHERE DO
                 buildings,  so  historical  holiday  is  my  favourite.   WANT TO STAY     YOU WANT TO
                                                                                            GO ON YOUR
                 I  think  it's  more  fascinating  and  interesting  than    IN YOUR NEXT    NEXT
                 other  types  of  holiday.  Moreover,  I  like  cultural                    VACATION?
                 holiday  because  to  me,  learning  about  new
                 cultures  is  amazing.  I'm  into  natural  beauties,  too.
                 I  relax  and  refresh  when  I'm  in  the  nature.  I  have     WHAT CAN   IS THERE ANY
                                                                                            LOCAL FOOD
                 prepared a travel plan for my next vacation. First, I'm   A TOURIST       THAT A VISITOR
                                                                      SEE IN
                 going to go to Antalya by plane, then I'm going to go to   LONDON?         SHOULD TRY IN
                 İzmir by bus. Lastly, I'm going to visit İstanbul by train.                 LONDON?
               Which  of  the  following  option  can  we  say
               according to Britney's talk?
               A)  She is going to travel with the same type of vehicle
                  during her holiday.
               B)  She prefers cultural holiday to historical holiday   3.  Which of the following information is not asked
                  because it's more fantastic.                 for?
               C)  She wants to travel all around the world in her next   A) destination   B) accommodation
                  summer vacation.                              C) tourist attractions   D) transportation

               D)  She has made her travel plan according to her
                                                             4.  Which of the following sentences cannot be an
              Çıkmış Soru                                      answer for any of the questions above?
            2.   Mike is a university student in İstanbul. He is   A)  I prefer all-inclusive hotels because I don’t want to
                 going to visit his friends in Ankara next weekend.   think about what to cook.
                 He has  70 for transportation and he wants to   B)  Big  Ben,  Buckingham  Palace  and  London  Eye
                 go there in the shortest time possible.
                                                                  attract tourists the most.
                 Which of the following should Mike prefer?
                                                               C)  It’s usually warm and humid in summer, so don’t
                 A)   Bus            ¨60                          forget to wear light clothes.
                                               5               D)  You  should  try  fish  and  chips  while  in  London
                                                                  because it is really delicious.

                 B)   Plane          ¨100
                                               1             5.  Conan: I usually prefer going to Antalya for my
                                                               summer holidays. The weather is great most of the
                                                               time and the scenery is incredible.
                 C)   Train          ¨40                       Eric: Sounds like awesome, but ...................... I usually
                                             hours             visit ancient structures.
                                                               Choose the appropriate option for the blank.
                 D)   Car            ¨80                       A)  I like spending time in nature
                                               4               B)  I prefer historical places
                                                               C)  I think it’s a magnificent city
                                                               D)  I prefer staying in resort hotels
                                        EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
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