Page 92 - 8-sinif-vip-tum-dersler-konu-anlatimli-22
P. 92

        5.                              91 Green Road,   7.   Hello.  My  name  is  Allison.  I’m  a  13-year-old
                                            22  June         secondary school student. I have a 16-year-old
             Dear Melinda,                                   brother. Our dad is a lawyer and our mom works
             How  is  it  going?  I  have  a  good  news  to  you.   in  a  bank.  My  brother  and  I  always  help  our
             I've got a part-time job in a big restaurant. I'm   parents with the housework because they work
             so happy because I can help my family for the    hard. I’m responsible for ironing the clothes and
             summer holiday. I have to get up early in the   doing the laundry. I wash the dishes and water
             mornings,  but  I  don't  mind  because  my  work    the flowers in the garden, too. My brother, Brian,
             finishes at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. When I    vacuums the house and sets the table. We take
             arrive there, I usually wash the vegetables and   turns dusting the furniture and cooking the meals.
             cut them up. Then I have to do the washing-up   Doing the grocery shopping and paying the bills are
             and  mop  the  floor.  But  I  don't  have  to  cook,    dad’s duties. The only chore that mom does all the
             serve  the  food  or  clean  the  tables.  I  really    time is cleaning the windows. She takes our dog,
             enjoy  my  job.  What  about  you?  How  do  you
             spend  your  summer  holiday?  Please  write  to   Bonnie, for a walk with Brian at weekends.
             me soon.                                      According  to  the  text  above,  we  can  say  that
             Love,                                         .................................. .
             Tracey                                        A)  family members don't share the responsibilities in
                                                              Allison's family
           It  is  clear  from  the  letter  above  that  Tracey    B)  Allison's brother has more responsibilities at home
           .................................. .               than Allison

           A)  works at the restaurant all day long to support her   C)  cooking and dusting the furniture are Allison’s and
              family                                          Brian's common responsibilities
                                                           D)  Allison's parents do only outdoor chores and one
           B)  works at a restaurant as a cook, but she has to
              work until 1 p.m.                               of them is walking the dog
                                                                           Skill Based Question
           C)  has  more  than  two  responsibilities  at  the
              restaurant, but cooking isn't one of them  8.  A research company in the USA conducted a survey
           D)  isn't pleased with her occupation because her day   on women and men about doing household chores.
              starts early and does lots of chores                 Percent of men and women engaged in
                                                                 household activities on an average day, 2021�

                                                               100                    Men    Women
        6.            Tomorrow is my grandpa’s birthday. My     80                      68�3
                      cousin, Becky and I have made a to do     60  66�6       51�3
                      list  for  his  surprise  birthday  party.  My   Percent  40   39�9
                      mom and my dad are going to help us                    20�2
             Susan    with the preparations. We have shared     20                            11�5 7�4
             all the chores. The party is going to be at our house.   0
             My mom is going to vacuum the house and dust the               Housework      Lawn and
                                                                                   and clean up
             furniture. Also, she is going to clean the kitchen. My   Total, household  Food preparation  garden care
             dad is going to do the grocery shopping and buy a big
             birthday cake. Becky and I are going to clean the living
             room  and  decorate  it.  We  are  going  to  make  some    According  to  the  survey,  we  can  say  that
             cookies to offer the guests, too.              ………�������������������������� �

           Which of the following questions is not answered   A)  women spend more time on doing chores than
           in the text above?                                  men in a day
           A)  Who is Susan going to clean the living room with?  B)  men take part in household chores more than
           B)  What are Susan's mother's responsibilities for the   C)  kitchen  chores  take  less  time  of  women's  life
              party?                                           compared to men
           C)  Why have Susan and Becky prepared a to do list?  D)  men  and  women  spend  most  of  their  time  on
           D)  How many guests are coming to the party?        doing chores in the garden
                                        EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96