Page 21 - 10_ingilizce_ogretmenin
P. 21

LEGENDARY FIGURES                UNIT 3      43

             ˇ Describing past activities and events
             ˇ Talking about sequential actions
             ˇ Describing characters and settings in an event in the past

             EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
             ˇ Geçmişte içinde bulunduğumuz durumları veya geçmişte yapmış olduğumuz eylemleri
            anlatırken “Simple Past Tense”i kullanırız.
             ˇ “Simple Past Tense” yapısının cümle kurulumu durum cümleleri ve fiil cümlelerinde şu
          Durum Cümleleri:
                  Affirmative Sentences           Negative Sentences
           You, We,They    were    object    You, We,They  weren’t  object
           I, He, She, It  was               I, He, She, It   wasn’t

                                 Interrogative Sentences
                          Were       you, we,they   object?
                           Was       I, he, she, it

                                    Short Answers
                        Yes, I was.        No, I wasn’t.
                        Yes, you were.     No, you weren’t.
                        Yes, we were.      No, we weren’t.
                        Yes, they were.    No, they weren’t.
                        Yes, he was.       No, he wasn’t.
                        Yes, she was.      No, she wasn’t.
                        Yes, it was.       No, it wasn’t.
          F   There wasn’t any food. I was so hungry.
          F   We were stuck in the airport.
          F   It was so horrible that I couldn’t phone you!
          F   Where were you yesterday?
            – I was at the gym.
          Fiil Cümleleri: “Simple Past Tense” yapısında olumlu cümlede fiil düzenli ise “-d/-ed/-ied”
          eki alır, düzensiz ise 2. hali (V ) yazılır. Olumsuz cümlede “didn’t” yardımcı fiili kullanılır ve
          fiil yalın haldedir.

                                   DICTIONARY (SÖZLÜK)
          airport: havaalanı               cirrhosis: siroz
          be stuck: sıkışmak, çıkamamak    liver: karaciğer
          gym: spor salonu                 opposition: muhalefet
          horrible: berbat, korkunç        prison: hapishane
          hungry: aç, acıkmış              spend: harcamak
          phone: aramak                    War of Independence: Kurtuluş Savaşı
          apartheid: ırkçılık, ayrım       collect: toplamak
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