Page 57 - 7. Sınıf İngilizce Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 57

ENVIRONMENT                                                                                 9. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

        Exercise 6: How can we be eco - friendly? Choose the appropriate ones and write them with their Turkish
        meanings. (Nasıl çevre dostu olabiliriz? Uygun olanları seçelim ve Türkçe anlamlarıyla yazalım.)

             ✶ Recycle products such as glass, paper, plastic and metal.

             ✶ Keep the tap running when you brush your teeth.
             ✶ Use both sides of a sheet of paper.

             ✶ Throw away your rubbish on the streets.

             ✶ Walk or cycle more, but drive less.

             ✶ Switch on the lights when you leave the room or go out.

             ✶ Stop cutting down trees and destroying forests.
             ✶ Use plastic bags instead of paper ones when you do shopping.

             ✶ Join environmental organizations or campaigns.

             ✶ Use your private car to go everywhere all the time.

             ✶ Save wild animals and their natural habitats.

             ✶ Take a bath instead of a shower all the time.

        1.  Recycle products such as glass, paper, plastic and metal.

            (Cam, kağıt, plastik ve metal gibi ürünleri geri dönüştürmeliyiz.)







              6 Doğru Cevap               5 Doğru Cevap              3 Doğru Cevap              1 - 2 Doğru Cevap
       ✪       MÜKEMMEL            ✪           İYİ             ✪    GELİŞTİRİLMELİ        ✪     KONU TEKRARI

       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      57
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62