Page 21 - 7. Sınıf İngilizce Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 21

BIOGRAPHIES                                                                                 3. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

        Exercise 6:

        Put the sentences in chronological order and write their Turkish meanings. (Cümleleri kronolojik sıraya koyalım
        ve Türkçe anlamlarını yazalım.)

           ◆ He became a surgeon six years later.  ◆ Later on, they had a son and a daughter.  ◆ In 2000,
             he moved to London to study medicine at university.  ◆ He grew up there till he was seventeen.
              ◆ They got married in the same year.  ◆ Charles was born in 1983 in New Jersey, the USA.

            ◆ Now, they are a very happy family.  ◆ He met his wife two years after he became the surgeon.

                      English Sentences                                       Turkish Meanings

         1.  Charles was born in 1983 in New Jersey,             1.  Charles 1983’te Amerika Birleşik Devletleri

            the USA.                                                New Jersey’de doğdu.

         2.                                                      2.

         3.                                                      3.

         4.                                                      4.

         5.                                                      5.

         6.                                                      6.

         7.                                                      7.

         8.                                                      8.

       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      21
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