Page 36 - 6. Sınıf İngilizce Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 36

6. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                               OCCUPATIONS

            manager               mechanic                nurse                   pilot               pull out

             repair          Exercise 3:
                             Read the given information and write the occupations. (Verilen bilgileri okuyalım ve
                             meslekleri yazalım.)

                              1.                                             2.
                                  I can look after patients, but I               I advice people about law and
                                      can’t operate on them.                     defend their rights at courts.

                                        nurse - hemşire

                              3.                                             4.
                                  I treat the diseases of people’s               I can prepare delicious meals
                                     teeth at a dental clinic.                   for customers at a restaurant.

                              5.                                             6.
           saleswoman               I can design and draw the                     I sell things such as clothes,
                                  plans of buildings at an office.               shoes and bags at a big shop.

                              7.                                             8.
                                   I can examine and operate                       I can cut, dye and design
                                          on ill animals.                       people’s hair at a beauty saloon.


                              9.                                            10.
                                    I have a garage and I can                     I grow fruit and vegetables
                                   repair motor vehicles there.                          on my farm.

              tailor                 vet                  waiter                waitress               worker

                                                         36                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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