Page 64 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 64

10. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                                 FESTIVALS

           Exercise 6: Read the text and answer the questions. (Metni okuyalım ve soruları cevaplayalım.)

                    TODAY IS EID                              ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS

                                                    1. What is Esra’s favourite festival?

                                                      Her favourite festival is Eid.

                                                      (Onun en sevdiği bayram Ramazan.)
                                                    2. What kind of a festival is Eid?

               Hello, everybody! My name is

               Esra and I am from Turkey.           3. How long does Eid take?
               I’m  so  excited  today  because

               it is Eid. Many Turkish people

               also call it Ramadan Feast or        4. What do people do during this festival?
               Candy Feast. It is a three day

               religious  festival.  We  clean

               our houses and make a lot of

               traditional food like sarma and
                                                    5. What do men do on the first day of the festival?
               different kinds of desserts such

               as baklava for this festival. On

               the first day, men go to the
                                                    6. What are the other names of Eid?
               mosque early in the morning.

               Then, we visit our relatives and

               kiss our elder family members’

               hand. They usually serve             7. What do people offer their guests in Eid?
               candies, chocolate and baklava

               or other traditional desserts.

               Our relatives also give us
                                                    8. Do Turkish people celebrate Eid?
               pocket money. I like festivals,

               but I like Eid the most.

            Etkinlikte Doğru Yaptıklarımdan Aldığım Puan (Her doğru cevap 10 puandır.)
            60 - 70 Puan :  Tebrikler, “Genel Olaylar ve Tekrarlanan Eylemler” konusunu kavramışsın!
            40 - 50 Puan : Konuyu daha iyi kavrayabilmek için biraz daha çalışmalısın.

            10 - 30 Puan : Konu tekrarı yapıp etkinliği tekrardan çözmelisin.

                                                           64                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66