Page 58 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 58

9. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                       THE ANIMAL SHELTER

           Exercise 6: Ask questions according to the underlined words / phrases and write their Turkish meanings.
           (Altı çizili kelimelere / ifadelere göre sorular soralım ve Türkçe anlamlarını yazalım.)

                             SENTENCES                                          QUESTIONS

            1.  She is giving water to the street dogs             1. Why is she giving water to the street dogs?
               because they are very thirsty.

            2.  Sure, you can visit the animals at the             2.

               animal shelter with your friends today.

            3.  Yes, a keeper can feed and bath the                3.
               animals in the animal shelter.

            4.  The puppies are playing with a ball in our         4.
               garden at the moment.

            5.  No, my brother isn’t taking the turtle to the      5.
               vet at the moment.

            6.  I'm afraid you can't adopt a dog from the          6.
               animal shelter.

            7.  The keeper is taking the dogs for a walk           7.
               right now.

            8.  A vet can examine sick animals and operate         8.
               on them.

            9.  Of course, you can donate some money to            9.
               the animal shelter.

            10.  I’m going to the animal shelter to be a           10.
                volunteer now.

             ✍    Bu etkinlikten                                                                         öğrendim.

                                                           58                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
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