Page 95 - 4. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası
P. 95
10. Here is the weather forecast of London for 13. Emily: What is the weather like in summer?
three days. Wanda: ...................................................
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wanda, Emily’ye hangi cevabı vermiştir?
A) It’s windy and cool.
B) It’s sunny and hot.
Yukarıda verilen hava durumu tablosuna C) It’s snowy and cold.
göre hangisi söylenemez?
D) It’s cloudy and warm.
A) The weather is sunny on Monday. Put on
your sunglasses.
B) It is rainy on Tuesday. Take your umbrella.
C) It is windy on Wednesday. Wear your coat.
D) It is snowy on Tuesday. Put on your boots.
14. “It is windy and cool today. ............... ”
Boşluğa hangi ifade gelemez?
11. Tyler: It is rainy and cold today. I need to go
to my art class at two o’clock. ........................ A) Put on your jacket.
B) Take your sunglasses and hat.
Carla: No, sorry. It’s broken.
C) Wear your socks and coat.
Diyalog hangi soru ile tamamlanmalıdır?
D) Put on your trousers and shoes.
A) May I take your coat?
B) Can I borrow your sunglasses?
C) May I borrow your umbrella?
D) Can I take your raincoat?
15. Tina: What is the weather like in Budapest on
12. Mary: What is the season in your hometown? Sunday?
Nick: It is and . Wear your boots and
Jill: ..............................................
Mary: What do you wear in this season? take your gloves.
Jill: I wear my gloves and coat. Diyalogda yer alan görsellerin yerine
Boşluğa hangi ifade getirilmelidir? hangi kelimeler yazılabilir?
A) It is spring. B) It is autumn. A) snowy - cold B) rainy - warm
C) It is summer. D) It is winter. C) windy - cold D) cloudy - warm
Grade 4 English 95