Page 25 - 4. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası
P. 25

UNIT 2: NATIONALITY                                                      ACHIEVEMENT TEST  3

          10. Pablo: Hi, I’m Pablo. What is your name?          13.             (1) ..........  (2) ..........  (3) ..........

             Elroy: My name is Elroy. Are you Italian?
             Pablo: Yes, I am. Where are you from?                    Susan         12      the USA American

             Elroy: I’m from France. Nice to meet you.                Peter         16       Britain     British
                      GİRİŞ YAYINLARI
             Pablo: Nice to meet you, too.                            Kanti         13        India      Indian
             Diyaloğa göre hangi ifade doğrudur?                   Yukarıdaki tabloda numaralandırılmış yer-

             A) Pablo thinks Elroy is Italian.                     lere sırasıyla hangi başlıklar yazılmalıdır?

             B) They are from the same country.                                   1            2            3
             C) Elroy is French, but Pablo is Italian.
                                                                    A)       Age          Nationality   Country
             D) Elroy thinks Pablo is from France.
                                                                    B)       Age          Country       Nationality

                                                                    C)       Country      Age           Nationality
          11.                                                       D)       Nationality  Age           Country

                      Chen            Katrin         Omar

             Görsellere göre hangi diyalog doğrudur?
             A) A: Where is Katrin from?

                B: She is from Spain.                                W           E
             B) A: Is Omar from Iraq?                                      S
                B: No, he isn’t. He’s from Egypt.

             C) A: Chen? Is he Japanese?
                B: I think so.

             D) A: Where is Omar from?
                B: He is from Pakistan.

          12.  Paige: What is the name of the girl with the
             yellow dress?                                         Yukarıdaki haritaya göre hangi öğrencinin

             Wanda: Her name is Rabia.                             söylediği cümle doğrudur?
             Paige: Rabia? Is she from Iran?                       A) Peter: Manchester is in the south of Oxford.

             Wanda: ........... I think she’s from Pakistan.       B) Kaitlyn: Cambridge is in the west of

             Boşluğa hangi ifade getirilmelidir?                      Birmingham.
             A) I think so.           B) I don’t think so.         C) Gareth: London is in the north of Cambridge.

             C) Yes, she is.          D) Maybe.                    D) Lizzie: Oxford is in the east of Swansea.

                                                                                             Grade 4 English   25
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