Page 119 - 4. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası
P. 119

UNIT 10: FOOD AND DRINKS                                                 ACHIEVEMENT TEST  1

          12.                                                   15. Amanda: ............................................
                  ........................ I want some chicken.
                                                                   David: Not now, thanks. I don’t feel thirsty.
                  ........................ I don't want anything.   David’in  cevabına  göre  Amanda  hangi

                                                                   soruyu sormuş olabilir?
                   ........................ I want some coffee.
                      GİRİŞ YAYINLARI
                                                                   A) Would you like some cheese?
             Boşluklar  sırasıyla  hangi  ifadeler  ile            B) Do you want some lemonade?
             tamamlanmalıdır?                                      C) Want some honey with butter?

             A) I’m thirsty. / I’m full. / I’m hungry.             D) How about fish and chips?

             B) I’m full. / I’m hungry. / I’m thirsty.
             C) I’m hungry. / I’m full. / I’m thirsty.          16. Nancy: Are you hungry, Mike?

             D) I’m hungry. / I’m thirsty. / I’m full.
                                                                   Mike: Yes, I am.  .............
                                                                   Hangi seçenekle boşluk tamamlanmalıdır?

                                                                   A) I don’t want anything.
          13.  Emily: Do you want some coffee at breakfast?        B) I want some cold water.

             Jason: ................. I want  some milk, please.   C) I’m full, so maybe later.
             It’s good for my health.                              D) I want a sandwich, please.

             Boşluk için uygun olan ifade hangisidir?

             A) Yes, please.          B) No, thanks.            17. Sue: Do you want an orange?

             C) Yes, I’m thirsty.     D) Not now, thanks.          Tony: No, thanks. ....................

                                                                   Boş bırakılan yere hangi ifade gelebilir?

                                                                   A) I’m not thirsty.      B) Yes, please.

          14.  Mom: Sam, it’s time for breakfast. Come here!       C) I’m very hungry.      D) Maybe later.

             Sam: Ok, mom. I’m coming.
             Mom:  Do you want some marmalade and               18. Robert: I’m very thirsty.

             butter?                                               Morgan: .........................................

             Sam: No, thanks. ...............................      Robert: Yes, please.

             Boşluğa gelecek uygun ifade hangisidir?               Morgan Robert’a hangi soruyu sormuştur?

             A) I love them.                                       A) Would you like some chicken?
             B) They’re my favourites.                             B) Do you want some salad?

             C) I want some, please.                               C) How about some orange juice?

             D) I don’t like them.                                 D) Want some fish and chips?

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