Page 113 - 4. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası
P. 113
1. Lucy ve Rosie birlikte “Guess Who She / He 2.
Is” adında bir oyun oynuyorlar. Birbirlerine
sorular sorup bu soruların cevaplarından Hello! My name is Jessica.
yola çıkarak tahminde bulunuyorlar. Oyun I'm young. I'm short and fat. I have
long straight fair hair and hazel
esnasında aralarında geçen diyaloglardan biri eyes. I have a brother and a sister.
My brother, Timothy is tall and slim.
He has blue eyes and blonde hair.
He is handsome. My sister, Sophie
is tall, but she is plump. Her hair is
Rosie: Does he have blonde brown and her eyes are hazel.
hair? She has got long legs.
Lucy: No, he doesn’t.
Rosie: Does he have brown
eyes? Yukarıdaki metinde hangi sorunun cevabı
Lucy: Yes, he has brown eyes. yoktur?
Rosie: Is his hair short and dark A) What does Sophie look like?
brown? B) Is Jessica’s hair curly?
Lucy: Yes, that’s right. C) Do Jessica and Sophie have hazel eyes?
Rosie: Does he have a beard? D) How old is Timothy?
Lucy: No. He has a
Yukarıdaki diyaloğa göre hangi görsel
Rosie’nin kim olduğuna dair tahminde BRENDA
bulunacağı kişiye ait olabilir? Age 19
Hair colour Brown
A) B) Hair style Curly
Body build Tall and slim
Eye colour Green
Bilgi kartına göre Brenda hakkında hangi
C) D) ifadeyi söyleyebiliriz?
A) She is middle aged and her hair is long.
B) She is not short, but she is fat and old.
C) She has green eyes and curly brown hair.
D) Her eyes are brown and her hair is straight.
Grade 4 English 113