Page 101 - 4. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası
P. 101

UNIT 8: MY CLOTHES                                                    SKILLS BASED TEST  4

                   1 ve 2. soruları aşağıdaki hava              3.            The weather is rainy and
                durumu raporuna göre cevaplayınız.
                                                                               cool in England today.

                         WEATHER FORECAST
                      GİRİŞ YAYINLARI
                      SYDNEY           ISTANBUL
                                                                       It is snowy and cold in Canada today.

                        28 C              19 C
                                                                             The weather is sunny and
                      OTTAWA           ANGELES                                   hot in Egypt today.

                        -2 C              7 C                          It is cloudy and warm in Japan today.

          1.  Hava durumu raporuna göre                            Yukarıdaki  bilgilere  göre  hangi  hava
             aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır?                    durumu raporu doğrudur?

             A) It’s windy and cool in Los Angeles.                A)                Weather Forecast

             B) It is cloudy and warm in Istanbul.
                                                                         ENGLAND    CANADA     EGYPT      JAPAN
             C) It is rainy and cold in Ottawa.

             D) It is sunny and hot in Sydney.

          2.  Diyaloglardan     hangisi     verilen    hava        B)                Weather Forecast

             durumu raporuna uygundur?
                                                                        ENGLAND     CANADA     EGYPT      JAPAN
             A) Justin: Where are you, Lucy?
               Lucy: I’m in Sydney.

               Justin: Wear your raincoat and boots.
             B) Alice: Where are you, Zoey?                        C)                Weather Forecast
               Zoey: I’m in Ottawa.
               Alice: Put on your coat and take your                    ENGLAND     CANADA     EGYPT      JAPAN
             C) Wilson: Where are you, Dylan?

               Dylan: I’m in Istanbul.
               Wilson: Wear your sunglasses and take               D)                Weather Forecast
                your hat.                                               ENGLAND     CANADA     EGYPT      JAPAN
             D) Sophie: Where are you, Tony?
               Tony: I’m in Los Angeles.

               Sophie: Put on your shirt and shorts.

                                                                                             Grade 4 English  101
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