Page 5 - Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Polis Misyon Koruma Sinavi Tamami Çözümlü 5 Deneme Sınavı
P. 5
96. (I) Non-verbal communication occurs in many ways. 98. ........ can be tested through discrimination among
(II) Due to the conditions of some regions, houses smaller components like phonemes, words, disco-
are often built on steep rocks or on hills which are urse markers, among others. This type of listening
distant from each other. (III) These people who are generally involves a spoken stimulus and the test -
away from each other usually communicate by whist- taker is required to identify the stimulus from two or
ling. (IV) Communication via whistling should carry more choices. On the other hand, ....... involves the
a message and must be in different tones depen- comprehension and reproduction in writing of a mo-
ding on the type of communication. (V) Each type derately large spoken passage (dictation), generally
of whistle carries a different meaning and they can of about 50 to 100 words. A variant of this test is
easily understand the message because they have answering comprehension questions after listening
made use of such a communication method for ye- to the passage several times.
Choose the alternative which best completes
Which of the sentences in the given paragraph the given sentence.
is irrelevant, violating its unity and coherence?
A) Responsive listening / selective listening
A) I B) Active listening / inactive listening
B) II C) Intensive listening / extensive listening
C) III D) Informative listening / critical listening
D) IV E) Discriminative listening / reflective listening
E) V 99. The question of what rights animals should enjoy is
a distressing one. Hundreds of millions of animals
are put to death for human use each year. It can be
argued that slowing down scientific research would
retard discovery of antidotes to diseases such as
cancer which kill humans and animals alike. ...........
What if super intelligent beings from Alpha Centuari
landed on earth and decided to use us for their ex-
periments, arguing that they could save far more of
97. ...................., but very few people trust their results. their and our lives by doing so?
Which of the following alternatives best comple- Which of the following alternatives best comple-
tes the given sentence? tes the given paragraph?
A) a lot of people make effort to gain experience A) It will benefit both in the long run.
from the tests B) There is no question of equating human rights
B) there are many kinds of mental and cognitive with those of animals.
tests C) Is the argument truly fair to animals?
C) so it is invitable for someone to gain high score D) But the progress of human civilization can not be
during the test made conditioned on some hypothetical rights of
D) therefore people must study hard to be able to animals.
get a good score E) Can anyone support to retard scientific researc-
E) even though they are very carefull while answe- hes on diseases, affecting human and animals in
ring the questions the same way?
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