Page 85 - 8-sinif-vip-tum-dersler-konu-anlatimli-22
P. 85

            TEEN LIFE - 3                                                                    UNIT 2    641
            EXPRESSING PREFERENCES                               › I guess .........................
            Tercihlerimizi ifade ederken “prefer” ve “would rather” ya-    › According to me, .........................
            pılarını kullanırız.                                 › I feel that .........................
            •   prefer: “tercih etmek” anlamına gelir.           › If you ask me, .........................

             I / You / We / They   prefer   noun / verb ing      › To be honest, .........................

               He / She / It  prefers     noun / verb ing    •   Bir fikre katılma, onu kabul etme ifadelerinden bazıları
            ̛    Examples:
                                                                 › Sure.                 › Why not?
            Ő  I prefer colorful clothes.
                                                                 › Of course!            › That sounds great.
            Ő  She prefers swimming in the sea.
                                                                 › Absolutely!           › You’re absolutely
              I / You /          noun /          noun /
                         prefer            to                    › Certainly!           right.
             We / They           verb ing        verb ing
                                                                 › You're right.         › I think so.
             He / She / It  prefers  noun / verb ing   to noun / verb ing    › I agree.    › So do I.

            ̛    Examples:                                       › It's a good idea.     › That’s true.

            Ő  She prefers tea to coffee.                        › Yes, maybe you’re     › I agree with you
            Ő  They prefer playing football to playing tennis.   right.                 entirely.
            •   would rather: “tercih etmek” anlamına gelir.   •   Bir fikre katılmama, olumsuz fikir belirtme ifadelerin-
                                                               den bazıları şunlardır:
                Subject       would rather   noun / verb
                                                                 › I think you're wrong.    › It’s a bad idea.
            ̛    Examples:
                                                                 › I don't agree with you.    › I’m not sure about
            Ő  I would rather casual clothes.
                                                                 › I’m sorry, I don’t   that.
            Ő  They would rather go fishing in their free time.
                                                                                         › I don’t think you’re
             Subject  would rather  noun / verb   than noun / verb      › I don’t think that’s
            ̛    Examples:
                                                                 › I don’t think so either.    › What a shame!
            Ő  She would rather science magazines than novels.
                                                                 › I don’t think so.     › How awful!
            Ő  We would rather do puzzles than draw pictures.
                                                                 › No, definitely wrong.    › Unfortunately.

            STATING PERSONAL OPINIONS                        ̛   Examples:
            •   Kişisel fikirlerimizi belirtirken kullanabileceğimiz bazı   Ő  According to me, Carol is an unattractive and unstylish
               ifadeler şunlardır:                             girl.
                 › I think .......................................  Ő  I  think  teenagers  shouldn't  play  with  their  mobile
                                                               phones too much.
                 › In my opinion, ......................�����
                                                             Ő  In my opinion, Jack is snob, selfish and rude.
                 › To me, ........... / For me, ...........
                                                             Ő  I don't think that you should apologize.
                 › Personally, ..............................
                                                             Ő  From  my  point  of  view,  both  women  and  men  must
                 › From my point of view, ........... / In my view, ...........  work to live easily.
                 › I believe ........................        Ő  To me, Adele has an impressive voice.

                 › I mean / I mean that ......................   Ő  I believe you will be a successful scientist in the future.
                                        EDİTÖR YAYINEVİ
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