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P. 9

UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP                                                              TEST  2

          5.  You see below the message Luke sent his friends and   7.  Imagine  that  your  best  friend  is  organizing  a  family
             their answers to the message.                         reunion next Friday and he / she invites you because
                                                                   you are like his / her brother / sister. You would like to join
                                                                   the reunion, but you are going to visit your grandmother
                                                                   at hospital on that day.
               Dear friends,                                       How  do  you  refuse  your  best  friend’s  invitation
               I’m organizing a bowling tournament on Saturday     politely?
               afternoon, 27th April. It is between 2.30 p.m. and   A)  So sorry, but I can’t. My grandma is very ill and I must
               4.30 p.m. It is in the bowling alley on Sunshine       be with her.
               Street. Would you like to join? You make sure we
               will have a lot of fun. Hope to see all of you there.  B)  I’d love to come. I’ll be very happy to join you on this
                                                                      special day.
                                                                   C)  It is a family reunion and I’m not one of your family
                                                                      members. Why do you invite me?
             Aaron: I’d love to attend the event, but I am going to go
             out of town on that day.                              D)  Why  not?  It  is  a  great  chance  for  me  to  meet  and
                                                                      spend time with your family.

             Wayne: That sounds awesome. I’ll definitely be there.

             Chris: I’m sorry, but I can’t join you. I have to finish my
             science project before April 27.

             Owen: I can’t come. Sorry! Maybe, another time.

             Find  Luke’s  friends  that  give  an  excuse  for  not   8.  Christina: Hi, Debbie. Please, come in and feel at home
             attending the event.                                  yourself.
             A) Owen and Aaron        B) Wayne and Owen            Debbie: Thanks, Christina.
             C) Chris and Wayne       D) Aaron and Chris           Christina: Would you like anything to drink or eat?
                                                                   Debbie: No, thanks. Maybe later.
                                                                   Christina: What do you want to do? I have a great movie
                                                                   collection. Would you like to see a movie?
                                                                   Debbie: Great idea. So, what do you have in your mind?
                                                                   Christina: What do you think about “Joker”? They say it
                                                                   is a great drama.
          6.   I.  Really? I enjoy watching them, especially the ones   Debbie: Do we have another choice? I don’t really like
                about the space and travelling through time.       dramas.

             II.  I’m sorry, but I can’t. I don’t like sci - fi movies. I think   Christina: What about “Booksmart”? It is a comedy
                they are boring.                                   movie.

             III. Tell  me,  do  you  have  any  plans  for  the  Friday   Debbie: That’s better. Let’s watch it.
                afternoon?                                         According to the dialogue above, ............................. .
             IV. So, it seems great for you. I hope you enjoy it.  A)  Christina offers Debbie to watch a drama and Debbie
                                                                      accepts it
             V.  Nothing special, but I’d like to go to the movies. There
                is a great science fiction movie on theatres this week.   B)  Christina  is  at  Debbie’s  house  and  they  will  see  a
                Shall we go together?                                 movie together
                                                                   C)  Debbie is Christina’s guest and they decide to watch
             Put the conversation into the correct order.             a comedy movie at home

             A) III - V - II - I - IV     B) V - II - III - I - IV  D)  both of them don’t enjoy dramas, but comedies are
             C) III - II - I - IV - V     D) V - I - III - IV - II    their favourite

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   9
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